Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Lots of Holiday Good News!
Edmond Chang - District Judge, N. IL & Leslie Kobayashi - District Judge, HI.
THEN: 6 AsAm federal judges, all at the District level -- when 80-20 held a
press conference in LA to change that sad situation in 2006;
NOW: 12 AmAm federal judges, 1 at the higher Appeals Court level, only 5
years later! ( 2 AsAm nominees still await Senate confirmation.)
B) Congratulations to AsAm Media and Civil Rights Groups for reaching a
probably significant agreement with Comcast/NBCU
Congratulations to AsAm elected officials Mike Honda & Judy Chu for using
the political process to benefit the AsAm community. We hope
to see more such occurrences.
Congratulations to Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), East West Players
(EWP), Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), OCA & Media
Action Network for Asian Americans (MANAA) for partnering
with the elected AsAm officials in seizing the opportunity.
The agreement is about "increasing the inclusion of AsAms" in a newly
proposed media joint venture, Comcast/NBCU. In exchange for more
"inclusion", the AsAm group provided political support for the proposed joint
venture by urging for FCC's approval. Visit &
Our community must encourage AsAm elected officials & civic
organizations to do MORE OF THE SAME -- using the political process to help
us become equal citizens.
C) Reaping Pay Dirt
Recall that 80-20 endorsed a couple of Republican candidates last Nov?
Those candidates lost, but the benefits for our community because 80-20
endorsed some Republicans will keep on coming in. Here is one example.
Shortly after the Nov. election, the LA Times published an article, titled
"The party that wins Asian voters may benefit for decades". Visit,0,3620387.story.
Its central message is "Asian voters, unlike other minorities, are willing to
consider Republican candidates."
Always ready to deliver a "SWING BLOC VOTE!". We are not equal citizens
yet. Before we achieve equal citizenship, it is best to keep both major
political parties GUESSING so that they will compete to serve our rightful
interest -- to become equal citizens -- in order to get our votes.
Die-hard Democrats/Republicans: Please THINK along with us!
D) More Chapters & More Politically Active
80-20 established 4 chapters in Ohio in 2 years, the perpetual presidential
battleground. The first to establish was the NW-Ohio Chapter, under Prof.
Yueh-ting Lee. See its many effective political actions:
a) Inviting Congresswoman Judy Chu of CA to meet with its chapter members,
b) Meeting their own Congresswoman Kaptur of Ohio 9th*, and
c) Toledo Mayor Michael Bell held a reception for 80-20 & it guests**.
E) Want a $5,000 Internship through which the latest in technolgy meets
the public policy in Washington D.C.?
If you are an outstanding students in the areas of technology or public policy,
check out the Dell Thurmond Woodard Fellowship which is part of Eben
Tisdale Fellowship via . 202/986-0384.
Please join or renew your membership with 80-20. We need 30 NEW
members in order to claim a $3000 matching fund. Pls. help! Visit . Happy Holidays.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
'Tis The Season Gifts" from
Marilyn R. & Antonio Donato, Roanoke, VA $1,000
Bill and Ann Tao, St. Louis, MO $1,000
Weihe Guan, Winchester, MA, to EF A second $500 donation for the year
Steve Ko, Mendham, NJ, to EF $500
Choong & Hsia Foundation, Los Altos, CA, to EF $500
About $11,400 of Christmas donations were already reported earlier.
* After each members has introduced themselves to Kaptur, she said, “I have
been in the Office as a U.S. Congresswoman for the past 23 years. This is the
first time that Asian Americans took an initiative to meet with me in my
regional office. I am very happy to have you here.” She also said, “Jewish
Americans in Northwest Ohio are the most active, and African Americans are
well-organized whereas Asian Americans are very quiet."
**NW-Ohio chapter's guests include community/business leaders, and Asian
Americans at the University of Toledo. In his speech, Mayor Bell publicly
acknowledged the impact of 80-20 NW Ohio Chapter on the city of Toledo and
Northwest Ohio. That remark was reported in Toledo Blade, a regional paper.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
80-20's New Leaders - more diversity & quality
80-20 strived for and achieved DIVERSITY & QUALITY in its new Broad
of Directors! 45% of the its 2011 Board members are now non-Chinese-
Americans, although ONLY 15 % of its dues-paying members are
non-Chinese Ams.
80-20's Board now has 1 Caucasian-, 2 Filipino-, 2 Indian-, 2 Japanese-,1 Korean-,
and 1 Vietnamese-American members.Of the six new Board members, 5 are non-Chinese Ams.
Will the composition of the Board and our membership one
day reflect the composition of the Asian Am. community? Hopefully.
80-20's Board of Directors of 2011-12 is presented to you below:
Fel Amistad, San Mateo County Commissioner; analyst (finance)
Quan Cao, Prof., Florida Atlantic Univ.; a Vietnamese-Am scholar
Ved Chaudhary, General Secretary, Hindu Collective Initiative of N.
America, Rutgers University Board of Trustees (1993-95)
Clyde Diao, Chief Economist, Florida Department of Environmental
Dr. Hilary Hsu, Chancellor, City College of San Francisco, 1982-90
Dr. Chenming Hu, Distinguished Chair Professor, Univ. of CA, Berkeley;
US National Academy of Engineering; Chinese Academy of
Sciences; Academia Sinica
Dr. Alice Huang, President, Am. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science
previously; professor, Harvard Medical School; Dean, NYU;
Senior Councilor, Caltech
Dr. Yueh-ting Lee, Prof. of Psychology at the Univ. of Toledo, OH; former
Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, Minot State Univ., ND
Dr. Edward Lin, CEO, Ingenious Technologies Corp; co-founder,
Gulfcoast Chinese Am. Assoc.
Bert Mizusawa, Brigadier General, US Army Reserve; past president,
Japanese American Veteran Association
Linden Nishinaga, Calif. licensed professional engineer; Leadership in
Energy & Environmental Design Accredited Professional
Subash Razdan, 2003 Ellis Island Medalist
Munsup Seoh, Immediate Past President of the Asian American Council;
professor of Statistics, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
Ann Shum, Member, Chinese American Community Center in Delaware
Kathleen To, Honorary Tex b19 as Commercial Attache' (1991-93); president
& CEO, KATO Foundation
Dr. William Uy, President, PBidet Corporation; retired DuPont Sr. Research
Scientist with 25 patented inventions
Hon. S.B. Woo, Lt. Governor of Delaware (85-89); retired Physics prof., U.
of Del.
Robert Wu, National President (83-84), OCA; former general manager of
operations, AT&T China
David Yang, Associate Political Scientist, Rand Corporation
Jing-Li Yu, Operations Director ('05-'06), 80-20; J.D., 2010, University of
An Unfortunate Situation
Exec. Director Daniel Feng resigned for personal reasons, beginning
1/1/2011. To ensure that his resignation doesn't make 80-20 extremely
short-handed, Daniel offered to volunteer 10 to 20 hours per week for
several months. He even stated that he'd volunteer more time if his
personal situation improves. Thank you, Daniel.
We are grateful to
Kenneth Fong, Palo Alto, CA $2,000 to PAC,
Wenxia & Jonathan Raiti, Jacksonville, FL: $1,500 to PAC,
Anthomy Yen, Lakewood, Ohio $400 to PAC,
The World Journal, See a nice article on 80-20 PAC, if you read Chinese -
Hilary Hsu, CA: $1,000 to PAC,
Peter Chen, PA: $2,000 to EF in addition to the $5,000 he has
already donated earlier this year.
S. B. Woo, Newark, DE $500 to EF.
Membership expired*? Go
Please renew & upgrade. Thanks. :-)
* You can check by visiting
Friday, December 10, 2010
Proof: AsAms stepped on!!!
"All political systems are administered by human beings. Humans are
full of frailties and contradictions. A common frailty is that, faced with risks
to self interest, most humans will choose to accommodate the strong &
shortchange the weak. The AsAm community is the smallest minority,
the politically most immature and perhaps the most timid.
o bosses who decide salary increments and promotions,
o human resources offices which decide how to handle a job complaint,
o federal & state officials who make & interpret rules & reward contracts
will very often opt to shortchange Asian Am individuals/orgs for their own
convenience. "
Want proof? Even native-born is NOT exempt from being stepped on!
Science News, published 2 days ago. Go to
"The most striking result is that native-born Asian
Americans -- who were born in the U.S. and speak English
perfectly -- their income is 8 percent lower than whites after
controlling for their college majors, their places of residence
and their level of education," ChangHwan Kim, assistant
professor of sociology and study leader, said.
Want more proof?
See 80-20's full page public service ad in the Washington
Post, appended at the end of this email. Did any government official or
philanthropic foundation write 80-20 offering to be champions for Asian
Ams, as a result of that ad? None!
What is the solution?
God helps those who help themselves. We need to do as the Irish,
Polish, Italians and all other immigrants have done -- use the
political process. Help establish an AsAm org/coalition that has
the political knowledge, courage and integrity to induce our
federal/state governments to use their immense power to give
us equal opportunity. As individuals none of us has the
resources or the power.
I hope that you'll do your part to empower yourself, your offspring and
all Asian Ams. $35 for Basic, $50 for family membership till 12/31 of next year.
$1,000 for Life Membership. Visit: If sending
a check, mail it to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Please be sure to denote your e-address on the back of the check.
Respectfully yours,
S.B., a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, inc.
80-20's full page public service ad in the Washington Post (For a clear view of this ad, click on

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
To AsAm Parents, Grandparents & Youngsters
I am stepping back from a leadership to a supportive role by year's
end & want to try one more time to articulate the importance of an org.
like 80-20. I beg for 3 minutes of your time to read the following. S.B.
The Kennedy Library had an exhibit "History of immigrants in
America". It told how the Irish, Polish, Italians, and Jews all faced rampant
discrimination in America when they first came, and how they used
the political process to become equal citizens. It concluded with a
huge banner stating:
"The history of America is the history of the immigrant underclass
using the political process to climb out to be the equal class."
What does "using the political process" mean?
It means that a new immigrant group must organize itself to possess the
necessary voting power in order to get the attention of the politicians, who
can use the power of the government to make them equal citizens.
America's constitution guarantees equal opportunity
for all. Why is a political process necessary?
All political systems are administered by human beings. Humans are
full of frailties and contradictions. A common frailty is that, faced with risks
to self interest, most humans will choose to accommodate the strong &
shortchange the weak. The AsAm community is the smallest minority,
the politically most immature and perhaps the most timid.
o bosses who decide salary increments and promotions,
o human resources offices which decide how to handle a job complaint,
o federal & state officials who make & interpret rules & reward contracts
will very often opt to shortchange Asian Am individuals/orgs for their own
America always understood such human frailties. That's why Exec. Order
11246 exists which allows the use of statistics as one way to ensure decent treatment for the weak & powerless. However, even that law, E.O. 11246, was NOT applied for AsAms until this year, after a 10-year effort by 80-20.
That is why collective political clout under the leadership of an organization/
coalition with political knowledge, courage & integrity is so important.
I hope that you'll do your part to make yourself, your offspring and all
Asian Ams equal citizens. $35 for Basic and $50 for family membership
till 12/31 of next year. Visit: If sending
a check, mail it to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Please be sure to denote your e-address on the back of the check.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80-20 has a Facebook page:!/pages/80-20-Initiative/139331419446330.
If you are also on Facebook, please "like" 80-20's page.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Shocking Facts for AsAms (III) . It is about a presentation
made by Senior V.P. of Southern CA Edison, Jim Kelly, a Caucasian,
to Asian Am. employees in his company.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(A) Summary of Shocking Facts (I):
Mr. Kelly points to the "harsh facts" faced by Asian Ams after their

Do parents have the generational responsibility to remedy the "harsh facts"
caused by the society for their children?
(B) Summary of Shocking Facts (II)
Mr. Kelly goes on to point out that the mainstream society perceived
Asian Ams as "timid, afraid, followers not leader", and content to be
the "ignored group". See the table below.

AsAm Parents & Grandparents:
Have we been burying our heads in the sand? Most of us are so willing to
spend $50,000 a year to send our children to IVY League schools but not
$50 per year to help them break the glass ceiling after graduation? Why?
Too timid to get involved? Are we setting a good example for our offspring?
(C) Concluding Section of Kelly's Presentation:
Before ending his presentation, Mr. Kelly asks rhetorically "What
can be done to address these issues?"
He suggested many ways* including
(1) "AAs must take personal & collective affirmative steps to highlight their
issues & develop leadership skills necessary to break through stereotypes," &
(2) "Supportive resources must be developed, recognized and seized."
AsAm Parents & Grandparents:
Do YOU want to join 80-20 to take collective affirmative steps and provide
supportive resources? Do you know of an organization working harder &
more effectively to overcome these harsh facts than 80-20 Initiative?
To join, using a credit card, go Using a check, please
send it to
80-20 PAC
P.O. Box 603
Osprey, FL 34229
Please be sure to denote your e-address on the back of the check.
Any one joining now will be a member for the remainder of this year
AND the whole of the next year. A NEW member's dues will be matched
by a $3,000 fund donated by Prof. Chenming Hu of U. of CA., Berkeley.
If we all sacrifice a little, then we can get the job done! JOIN!
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.,
* Kelly's primary concern is American corporations' ability to
nurture AA leaders to compete in today's global market. So he also
makes many suggestions about what corporations must do to address
the issues. In contrast, 80-20's primary concern is for Asian Ams. to
enjoy equal opportunity in America. So 80-20 stresses what we must
do ourselves to be equal citizens. For Kelly's complete presentation, visit
Again, 80-20 thanks Mr. Jim Kelly for telling it as it is and thereby doing
the AsAm community a BIG FAVOR.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80-20 has a Facebook page:!/pages/80-20-Initiative/139331419446330.
If you are also on Facebook, please "like" 80-20's page.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Shocking Facts for AsAms (II)!
Edison, Jim Kelly, a Caucasian. He told it as it is. 80-20
thanks him. If you missed "Shocking Facts (I)," catch it at
- - - - - -
No individual or org. likes to be viewed as "timid" & "afraid" .
However, that is how the mainstream society views some of
our attributes.
Slide 9 of Mr. Kelly's presentation compares Asian Am. attribute
against how each attribute is perceived by the mainstream folks.

Note how being "quiet" is perceived as being "afraid" and being
"respectful" is perceived as "timid".
Kelly also quoted research articles stating that Asian Ams
have lower leadership aspiration. He asks,
"Why do Asian Ams have lower leadership aspirations?"
Personally, I don't believe that Asian Ams have lower leadership
aspirations. A true story will illustrate this point. A friend of mine has a
fierce appetite for leadership positions in Chinese Am. orgs. If one exists,
he wants it. However, this same person went out of his way to tell me,
"S.B. I don't want to be a manager in the Dupont Company." Frankly,
I thought it was a case of "sour grape". It was out of "timidity" to
compete in the mainstream and being "afraid" of a possible rejection --
losing face!
We all know some Asian Ams who are fiercely competitive against
fellow AsAms & who are afraid to compete in the mainstream.
Do we blame them? NO!
When women, blacks, and Hispanics didn't think they had equal
opportunity to compete, they exhibited similar self-limitations, but not
Why not today?
The enforcement of Executive Order 11246 by the federal Labor Dept. in
eliminating the glass ceiling for women, blacks and Hispanics woke them
up. They realized that they do have a fair chance to compete. AFTER that
they full-heartedly prepare themselves to have the right attributes to
achieve their dreams.
The same will happen for Asian Ams, when E.O. 11246 is enforced for us
as well -- a project that 80-20 worked on for the last 8 years. See
written commitment by the Labor Dept to agree to finally enforce E.O.
11246 for Asian Am, dated Feb. 10 and April 7 of 2010. Click on and
What does it take to ensure that the Labor Dept. will honor its
commitment to us?
Collective action! Join 80-20 to collectively urge Pres. Obama, Labor
Secretary Solis*, & OFCCP Director Patricia Shiu to vigilantly enforce
the law for ALL Americans. Will they listen? Yes, they are already
listening. However, when 80-20's membership climbs from 2000 to
5000, you bet that our government will listen. It is that simple! It
is also that hard!!! Will you be one of the additional 3,000 to be
a part of our collective action?
Using a credit card to join 80-20, click on For a personal check, please send it to
80-20 PAC
P.O. Box 603
Osprey, FL 34229 .
Please be sure to denote your email address on the back of your check.
Anyone joining now will be a member for the remainder of this year
AND the whole of next year. NEW members' dues will be match by a $3,000
fund donated by Prof. Chenming Hu of U. of CA, Berkeley.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.,
* Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, under Pres. Bush refused to make such a
commitment to Asian Ams.
Monday, November 22, 2010
GOOD for Your Career to Join 80-20?
definitely not BAD for your career. Here is one proof.
Conrado "Bobby" Gempesaw, a Filipino-Am., was named Provost of
Miami University 3 days ago. "Bobby" is currently Dean of College of
Business at the University of Delaware. Visit
Gempesaw has been an 80-20 member for years and still is.
Visit to view
his name on the membership list *.
Gampesaw is not only a dues-paying member, but also publicly acknowledges
that he got his first administrative position as an Associate Provost
at the Univ. of Delaware partially through the effort of Asian Am.
faculty members talking to the Administration that its top echelon
could benefit from diversity.
America selects leaders who have convictions, are willing to take some
risks for their convictions, and are persons of integrity. Just having
knowledge, ability and skills are not good enough to be leaders. Those
attributes normally only earns a person a high-paying job. Actually, even
the "high pay" may not be realized, if the person is deemed as timid.
Join 80-20. Using a credit, go . Using a
check, please send it to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Please be sure to denote your e-address on the back of the check.
Anyone joining now will be a member for the remainder of this year
AND the whole of the next year. A NEW member's dues will be match by a $3,000 fund donated by Prof. Chenming Hu of U. of CA, Berkeley.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.,
* Among 80-20 members, there are a President of AAAS which is the largest science org. in the world, a large number of elected officials, a former college president and a chancellor, deans, department chairs, Chair professors, CEOs of large banks and companies, presidents of National Asian Am. organizations, and members of The Committee of 100. So pls. join 80-20 and be counted.
Acknowledgment: Kathleen To, Bumet, TX $1,000.
Monday, November 15, 2010
CNN's CA Exit Polls
majority leader.
In CA, 80-20 lost a battle (Brown won & Whitman lost) while gaining
strategic grounds. Strategically, 80-20 punishes any politician, D or R, who
ignores Asian Ams' rightful concern to be equal citizens. Brown courts unions.
But he was too busy for AsAms. Are we too timid to get his attention? To
counter Brown's arrogance, 80-20 strategically stepped up and got into
1) a state-level race as it sooner or later must and 2) trying a SWING bloc vote,
as it sooner or later must.
Here are the CNN exit polls*. We again compare how AsAms voted in the
governor's race versus the US senate race, as we did in Sen. Reid's case.
"Governor, California, 3899 respondents
Vote by Race
--------------------- Jerry Brown ------- Meg Whitman -------- Others
White (62%) -------------46% ---------------- 50% ------------------ 4%
African-Am (9%) -------77% ---------------- 21% ------------------- 2%
Latino (22%) ----------- 64% ----------------- 30% ------------------ 6%
Asian (4%) ------------- 55% ----------------- 38% ------------------ 7%
Others (3%) ------------ 55% ---------------- 36% ------------------ 9% "
"US Senate, California, 3796 respondents
Vote by Race
----------------- Barbara Boxer --------- Carly Fiorina ------ Others
White (62%) ----------- 43% -------------------- 52% ----------------5%
African-Am (9%) ------80% -------------------- 17% --------------- 3%
Latino (22%) ----------- 65% -------------------- 28% --------------- 7%
Asian (5%) ------------- 59% -------------------- 34% --------------- 7%
Others (3%) ----------- 56% -------------------- 36% --------------- 8% "
Note that 1 out of every 5 Asian Ams chose NOT TO VOTE in the
governor's race although they voted in the senate race. That caused the
% of Asian Am voters in the governor's race to be only 4% of the total votes
as compared with the 5% AsAm share in the senate race.
Such a difference in % is EXTREMELY unusual. It indicates that 1 out of
5 Asian voters agreed that Brown should be punished for ignoring our
concerns, but they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Whitman. A
fact that Brown should carefully note!!
When the above voters (1 out of 5 or 20%) are combined with the
38% who did vote Whitman, it means more than half of AsAm voters were
in favor of punishing Brown.
Overall, Brown beat Whitman by 11 pts, while Boxer beat Fiorina by 9;
hence Brown won the race by 2 more pts than Boxer. However,
so far as Asian Am. votes are concerned, Brown's winning margin is 8 pts
less than that of Boxer.
Shortly before 80-20 endorsed Whitman, Asian Ams favored Brown by
65 to 7 according to a Rasmussen poll. The final drastic difference
should alarm Gov. Brown. Will Brown now address Asian Ams'
If he does, 80-20's California Coalition may be please to work with him.
Otherwise there is always the NEXT election. 80-20 may even shop
for an opponent for Brown in a Democratic primary 3 years hence and a
very tough Republican opponent for him 4 year from now.
One way or another 80-20 shall fight for Asian Ams' rights to be
equal citizens, using each election as a precious window.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.,
* Visit CNN's exit poll site , click on
"Governor Exit Polls" or "Senate Exit Polls"; then click on the state of CA.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Helping Sen. Reid of Nevada
Nevada voted 80% to 20% in favor of Sen. Reid, achieving 80-20's
namesake! Thank you, Asian Ams in NV!
Behind the scene, there is an interesting story.
On Oct. 18, 80-20 received a request from a very high level
Democratic official to help boost Sen. Reid's campaign. At the time,
practically all polls predicted that Reid would be defeated. Knowing
that Sen. Reid, if victorious, would still be the Senate Majority Leader,
80-20 jumped in* to help.
Result? Reid won! Asian Ams gave Sen. Reid the highest % support
among all races helping to seal his victory. See CNN polls below.
"US Senate, Nevada, 3796 respondents
Vote by Race
---------------------Harry Reid ------ Sharren Angle ----- Others
White(72%) -------- 41% ------------------ 53% -------------- 6%
African-Am (6%)-- 78% ------------------ 11% -------------- 11%
Latino (15%) ------ 68% ------------------ 30% --------------- 2%
Asian (4%) --------- 79% -------------------19% --------------- 2%
Others (3%) ------- 52% ------------------- 38% --------------10% "
See how the same AsAm voters gave the Democratic candidate
for Governor in NV much lower % support, although blacks
and Latinos voted pretty much in the same %s. This clearly
indicates that Asian Ams responded strongly to 80-20's urging.
"Governor, Nevada, 3749 respondents
Vote by Race
-------------------- Rory Reid ------ Brian Sandoval ----- Others
White (72%) -------- 32% ----------------- 53% -------------- 6%
African-Am (6%) ----86% ----------------- 10% -------------- 4%
Latino (15%) -------- 64% ------------------ 33% -------------- 3%
Asian (4%) ---------- 57% ------------------ 40% -------------- 3%
Others (3%) --------- 39% ----------------- 54% -------------- 7% "
Note that Sen. Reid enjoys a victory margin of 60 points, while
the victory margin is only 17 points for his son, Dory.
To verify the data, visit CNN exit poll site ,
click on "Senate Exit Polls" or "Governor Exit Polls"; then click on
the state of Nevada.
All Asian Ams win, when we either succeed in helping a friendly
political leader, or in punishing an obstinate candidate who ignores us.
Join 80-20. Membership dues of NEW members will be matched, thanks
to a $3000 donation by Prof. Chenming Hu of Univ. of California, Berkeley.
Using a credit card, go to Using a check,
send to
80-20 PAC
P.O. Box 603
Osprey, FL 34229.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
* 12 years ago 80-20 also took risks to jump in during our darkest
political days -- when both political parties competed to distance from
AsAms, after the so called "Asia Gate." Many AsAm orgs hid while 80-
20 announced its aim to organize the entire AsAm community into a
political bloc for self protection.
P.S. (1) 80-20 needs more email addresses of Asian Ams in NV. Pls help
send e-addresses to me.
(2) Soon, 80-20 will share with you the exit poll results in CA, and how 80-20
will be wiser and stronger from the experience of CA's races.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
What's achieved in 2010 election?
have together achieved and failed in the 2010 election.
On the surface, we won some and lost some. 80-20 focused on 4 races.
We won 2 - Sen. Boxer of CA and Sen. Reid of NV. We lost 2- Whitman of
CA and Gov. Strickland of OH.
However, strategically a very different picture emerges.
(1) Strategically, 80-20 for the first time* stepped into state-level
elections in the critical states of CA and OH. In CA, we have the
largest % of voters, 8%. In OH, a perpetual battleground state in presiden-
tial elections, 80-20 has 4 chapters, one each in the largest cities of OH.
(2) Strategically, 80-20 for the first time ventured into delivering a
SWING bloc vote. Just being able to deliver a bloc vote for Ds
has severe limitations. Can we deliver one for Rs when called for? To
illustrate, blacks have always delivered a huge bloc vote for Ds. But
it can NOT swing. Thus far only the Jewish Am community has the
ability to swing.
(3) Tactically, in spite of breaking into new frontiers, 80-20's CA
Coalition induced Whitman to give us concrete commitments - a first for a
GOP nominees. To top that, Gov. Strickland (D) of OH answered all yeses
to our chapters' questionnaire. It is also important for 80-20 to admit that
it has much to learn tactically in being involved in state level races.
(4) Substantively, 80-20 has demonstrated that it is not a Democratic
front. It is loyal to the interests of the Asian Ams ONLY.
80-20 has incurred a $25,000 deficit this year owing to election expenses.
Will YOU help? Join 80-20. Every $35 or $50 or $1,000 will help.
Using a credit card, click on Using a
check, please send to
80-20 PAC
P.O. Box 603
Osprey, FL 34229
Be sure to enter you e-address in the back of your check. Dues of NEW
members will be matched by a $3,000 donation from Prof. Chenming Hu
of UC Berkeley.
Act to empower 80-20, while 80-20 empowers YOU & YOUR CHILDREN.
80-20 is doing the best it can, will you do your best please?
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
* Strategically, 80-20 has advanced from working on a bloc vote in
Presidential election in CA ONLY in 2004; to Congressional races across
the nation in 2006; to engineering a bloc vote in a Presidential primary
in CA in 2007, and to actively campaign for our endorsed candidate
Obama outside of CA in battleground states in the general election in
Monday, November 01, 2010
Rasmussen Poll: Whitman/Brown tied
Rasmussen poll reports that the California gubernatorial race
is now a "toss up". The poll finds Whitman/Brown at 45/49 on
Oct. 27. Visit:
However, there are other polls which find Brown widening his
So how should we vote?
Vote to make ourselves winners! So long as Asian Americansshow the political cohesiveness to deliver a SWING bloc vote,
both political parties will share our rightful concerns.
Solidarity! That's how we should vote.
Wherever you are,
vote for the Democratic candidate for Congress. It is our
way to thank Pres. Obama who has set a historic precedent
in responding to Asian American concerns.
In California,
vote for Barbara Boxer, D, for the US Senate, &
Meg Whitman, R, for Governor
In Ohio,
vote for Governor Ted Strickland, D.
In Nevada,
vote for Sen. Harry Reid, D.
Together, we shall overcome.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Final Words on Whitman/Brown in CA
Satisfied with the CRUMBS that Brown had thrown you 30 years ago?
Then vote for Brown.
Want to use this election to tell politicians in CA that you want to
be treated as EQUALS ?
Then vote for Whitman.
Does it matter who win the election? Not that much. Why?
Both campaigns will see from their own polls,
how Asian Ams are voting.
If Asian Ams SWING from 65 to 7 in favor of Brown
to 70 to 30 in favor of Whitman*,
no matter who wins !
This is the kind of political insight that
ONLY 80-20 PAC can provide you.
You Decide!
Please FORWARD to share such political insight that is
critical to the political maturity of our community.
*Currently, we are only doing 60 to 40 in favor of Whitman. See how
Brown is already more humble to the AsAm elected officials & our media
in CA? Everyone benefits from 80-20 -- our courage to fight for Asian Ams.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Initial Reminder
Please Vote!
In a tight race, the side with the better "ground game", i.e. larger turnout, wins!!!
vote for the Democratic candidate for Congress. It is our
way to thank Pres. Obama who has set a historic precedent
in responding to Asian American concerns.
If you live in California,
vote for Barbara Boxer, Democrat, for US Senate, &
Meg Whitman, Republican, for Governor.
If you live in Ohio,
vote for the re-election of Governor Ted Strickland, Democrat.
If you live in Nevada,
vote for the re-election of Sen. Harry Reid, Democrat.
We know that you'll vote. We plead that you forward
this email to your friends to urge them to vote. Solidarity !
Monday, October 25, 2010
What we'll gain in 2010 election
equal citizenship through the political process. Examples for us are:
[A] Our 2008 Effort
In 2008, 80-20 helped elect Pres. Obama who gave us iron-clad
commitments. He became the firstUS president who publicly and
repeatedly responded to the rightful concerns of AsAms, whether in
appointing more AsAm judges or in assuring equal opportunity in
workplaces for Asian Ams., or in responding to our petition to re-
nominate AsAm judges.
[B] Two 2010 goals
[1] The Primary Goal -- to extend our political clout to the STATE level, .
beginning with CA and Ohio. Why begin with CA & Ohio?
In CA, we have a 8% vote-share and a very tight governor's race.
Whitman responded to our yearning for equal opportunity, while Brown
said he had no time for us. So let's elect Whitman & punish Brown. When
Whitman wins, WE win -- our political clout in CA will be firmly
GREAT NEWS: A McLaughlin-Hill poll taken 10/22 reports
that Asian Ams already favor Whitman 41 to 38. What
a great turn around from the Rasmussen poll of a month
ago reporting 7/65 against Whitman. All good polls see
the same results. So Brown's polls will see that GREAT
turn around caused by 80-20. Henceforth Brown will
NOT take Asian Ams for granted, whether he wins or loses.
Now help Whitman win and make our victory complete!
(Forward "Great News" to AsAms in CA & urge solidarity!)
In Ohio, 80-20 has 4 chapters. The sitting governor is Strickland, who
is running for re-election. He answered our chapters' questionnaire with
ALL yeses. He is leading by 2 pts. So let's help "Elect Strickland."
[2] Our Secondary Goal - to thank Pres. Obama for helping us, by helping
to elect Congressional Democrats. When our President sets a historic
precedent in helping us publicly, we MUST help back.
80-20 focuses particularly on TWO tight Senate races.
&nb 8c4 sp; (a) RE-elect Sen. Barbara Boxer of CA. She recommended Asian Am.
jurists to be Federal judges, as we respectfully requested.
(b) RE-elect Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader.
Unfortunately, 80-20 doesn't have many Asian Am e-addresses in
So we come to YOU, who have repeatedly made possible what
seems impossible. PLEASE email your friends in Nevada and urge
them to vote for Sen. Reid. Always copy me in, so that we can do
follow-ups with your friends.
Please remember that every election is a precious window for us
to help ourselves and our children to become EQUAL citizens.
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
- - - - - -
THOSE who added to 80-20's WARCHEST. Can YOU help too?
To 80-20 PAC, Inc.:
Jason Huang & Kate Zhou, Pittsford NY $1,500
S. B. Woo, DE $3,000
Lin Liu, Cincinnati, OH $1,000
Jian-Zhong Zhou, Folsom, CA $1,000
To 80-20 Educational Foundation (EF): Contributions to EF are tax
Woo's Foundation, Delaware $8,400
Lin Fei, Cincinnati, Ohio $1,000
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The BIG PICTURE in coming election
picture on
a) what 80-20 is all about and
b) why Asian Am. voters in CA should vote for Meg Whitman.
Here is a summary.
80-20 is endorsing carte blanche ALL Democratic US congress and
senate candidates in this election.
Jobs, economy, housing, and recovery are important problems, but
AsAm equality is the most important and urgent issue for 80-20.
Brown ignored us; Whitman signed letter pledging AsAm equality.
The question we should ask is NOT "Who can be the better
Governor?" BUT "Which Governor is better for Asian Americans in
our quest to become equal citizens?
Finally, if WE don't put our Asian Am interests forefront and
foremost, then WHO WILL???
80-20 thanks CAPA, a big political organization in CA's Bay area, for its
support of all of 80-20's endorsements. CAPA also asks it supporters to
reflect on these quintessential observations.
[B] 80-20's Great Media Offensive Started !
Click on http://www.80-20initiative.
to see the newspaper ads in "India West," "Singtao" and "The World
Journal." Also hear the radio ads in Korean, Cantonese & Mandarin.
You can copy them and send them to your friends. More ads are
being added.
[C] From: Google Alerts
(1) "Meg Whitman Announces Endorsement of Influential Asian American
. . . Cupertino." Visit
(2) "Kasich (R, of Ohio) Snubs Influential Asian American Group
Loses Endorsement . . ." 80-20 encourages AsAm to . . cast votes for Gov.
Strickland (D). Click on
Why do both articles used the word "influential" to describe 80-20?
YOU & solidarity did it.
[D] Choice quotes
(Apologies for not using so many great write-ins! SB)
(1) This Democrat has just voted and to be mailed: YES WHITMAN and no
Jerry the once almighty. Of course, NO BROWN. Gary Tang,
(2) Brown's conduct throughout this episode has raised a more
fundamental and troubling question for me: Is he fit for the job? Does he
have the energy, the toughness of mind and judgment to govern,
especially in dealing with the Legislature?
Hilary Hsu, a Life-timeDemocrat & Former Chancellor,
City College of San Francisco
Respectfully yours,
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fantastic response on Whitman Endorsement
ever take Asian Am. voters in CA for granted. This is the empower-
ment of our community that 80-20 seeks to achieve through
this gubernatorial election.
Fantastic response to 80-20's endorsement of Meg Whitman is still
pouring in.
(1) great job. any help you need let us know. ravji h patel
(2) All my family total of 28 votes have sent the absentee ballots for Ms.
Whitman. David Wong
(3) My wife and I will keep our promises. Meg will get two additional
votes from Democrats. Guopin
(4) My husband and I will vote for whoever 80-20's endorsed. I will
suggest all my Asian friends follow my vote. Thank you for your
hard working. Christine
(5) My absentee ballot was put in the mail today in which Ms. Whitman
got my vote. I am an Independent in San Diego voting for Republican
to support 80-20 that we are in it together. Sherwin Wang
(6) I sent it to a few of my CA friends. I think it is powerful if we all do
the same thing. And if Whitman wins, we win! Great negotiation
power in the future if we do help her win the race. Again, thanks for
what you and 80-20 have done. Shau
(7) After considering your efforts regarding the CA Governor’s race, I will
for the first time be voting for a Republican, Meg Whitman. Thanks
for your effort, James Chen, Santa Barbara
(8) Tim Wu sent to 47 of his CA friends the following message. He also
attached our e-newsletter "80-20 Endorses Republican
Whitman for CA Governor"
" The California election is upon us. It is time to do some soul
searching as to whom has earned our votes. I have never voted
for a Republican in a abf General Election before but there is always
a first time. Go Whitman." Tim Wu
(9) Bob Chang sent to 48 of his friends the following message:
" Dear All :
Enclosed please see the announcement from 80-20 about
endorsing Meg Whiteman for Calif Governor, while Brown
did NOT give a dame to our questionnaire. If you are a CA
resident, please consider a block vote for our children's/grand-
children's sake. If you are NOT, please encourage your friends
in CA to make the right decision.
It's NOW or NEVER. If we do NOT teach Brown a lesson,
there is NO first class citizenship for our descendents in this
country !!! Thanks ! Bob Chang"
(10) Thank you for your forever energy and endless efforts! I have just
sent a request for support email to 197 friends in CA, and
asked them to vote for Whitman and Boxer. Lao Li
I apologize for not publishing all your responses, owing to space
limitations. Reward Whitman while punishing Brown. Solidarity!
Respectfully yours,
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
PS: Brown called a press conference in Japantown in SF on 10/17 at 9 a.m.
to announce that AsAm Democratic officials are endorsing him. Is that
a surprise or of political value to Brown? [S. B. Woo said rhetorically
to Brown, "Jerry, this is the general election, not a primary. You need
Asian Am. civic groups, Independents, Republicans to endorse you, not
Democratic officials." ] We heard that even AsAm officials only let
Brown use their names but avoided appearing with him. It reveals that
Brown is sweating bullets sensing that he is losing Asian Am. votes fast.
Let that be a lesson to the HIGH AND MIGHTY Brown.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Response to 80-20's endorsement of Whitman
Asian Am. political presence in California. Most Asian Ams, regardless
of thier party affiliation, understand that.
A bloc vote is powerful in helping our children's future. A "swing" bloc
vote that can be delivered to either a Democrat or a Republican depending
on which candidate offering the better commitment to our community,
will help our children's future even more. Most Asian Ams. also
understand that. Evidence?
See some of the responses that are pouring in.
1) Have just voted for Meg Whitman via mail . . . and will thank
her committee for helping 80/20. Janice S, Wong
2) Thank you for all the hard work on behalf of Asian Americans. Due to
80-20's involvement in the California Governor's race, I WILL be voting for
Meg Whitman, although I've been a registered Democrat all my life.
Best wishes and a big thank you to everyone working at 80-20. Please
keep up the excellent work. Wayne Cheng
2601 Main Street, Suite 900, Irvine, CA 92614
3) Great, thank you for your leadership! Sam Wong
4) I have been a member of 80-20 for several years. Although I was
supportive of 80-20, I sensed that there might be a bias of 80-20 to
support Democrats. As a Republican, I was only willing to support 80-20
at the basic membership level. However, your recent endorsement of Meg
Whitman, a Republican, has clearly shown that 80-20 is an unbiased
organization that works hard for Asian American! Kudos to you and 80-
20 for your excellent work and selfless dedication. Upon hearing news, I
have just increased my support to 80-20 to a life-time family
membership. Jason Huang, MD
5) Thank you very much for your continuous effort in enhancing Asian
political presence. This mail is the most encouraging news to our
Asians. Your efforts on this matter are greatly appreciated.
Richard Wang
6) The following email was forward to me by Erl Yu, who has already
emailed his friends in CA to urge them to vote for Meg Whitman.
"Hi, my friend:
I have been a member of 80-20 initiative for many years, because I
believe they are working hard for a good cause for all Asian American,
especially in California. 80-20 recently asked me to send a letter to the
Republican candidate for California governor, Ms. Meg Whitman asking
her to agree with 80-20's request in a questionnaire. If her answer is
favorable, members of 80-20 will vote for her as a block and will also ask
our friends in California to vote for her.
Ms. Whitman’s answer is more than 80-20 asked for (see below), while the
other Democrat candidate, Mr. Brown, didn’t bother to answer
Normally I vote for Democrat, but this time in order to show that we Asian
American are in it together, I opt for Republican. Since I can’t vote in
California, but you can. I hope you can vote Ms. Whitman in the November
election. Erl"
- - - - - - - - -
GREAT NEWS on a Another Battle Front,
Ohio's Democratic Governor Strickland replies to a questionnaire
from 80-20's 4 chapters in Ohio with "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes". When
we have 4 chapters in OH, a critical political mass is created resulting in
explosive political clout. See Gov. Strickland's reply below.
If we can establish our political presence in CA and Ohio with respectively
an 8% and 1.5% share in voters, can you do the same in YOUR state
if you don't live in CA or OH? Let your imagination run !
Respectfully yours,
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor
Coalition and has endorsed a Republican Meg Whitman for California
When Whitman wins, WE win. Here is why.
Meg Whitman has actually gone above and beyond what 80-20 had
asked for in its questionnaire, and gave us more.
In Q1 through Q3, 80-20 looked for a yes/no answer from Whitman and
Brown to address
1) the glass ceiling above Asian Ams in CA's state government,
2) the paucity of Asian Am. university trustees , and
3) the lack of Asian Am. state judges.
Brown said he didn't care to answer. Click on
visit .
Whitman's answer was "I'll go beyond that. I'll not only appoint
APIs to the positions referred to in your questionnaire, I'll give you
input to who are to be appointed. The glass ceiling problem shall be
solved the same way. Help me appoint the best high level officials who
have the authority to shatter the glass ceiling for Asian Ams."
Are these her exact words? No. But it could be what she could legally
state, given the dictate of CA Proposition 209 which explicitly
prohibits "political institutions to consider race, sex or ethnicity." Go .
Her reply to us is sown below.
Only the sentences shown in red (emphasis added) are substantive. All
the rest may just be sweet words signifying nothing.
What is her answer to Q4? Her answer is why wait till the 3rd year to
check my performance? See me "early in my term" so that I'll make
the kind of appointments that will yield the desired results for Asian
Why didn't she answer yes to Q5? Because CA's Legislature (Senate plus
Assembly) has already formally apologized in July 2009 to Asian Ams for
its past wrongs. Click on .
Is 80-20 absolutely certain that Whitman will do that much good for
us? NO. That is the defect of a statement. However given the dictate of
Proposition 209, Whitman's reply "meet with me . . . to discuss API
appointments" does seem the best she can do, perhaps a bit more
than what we asked for.
80-20 is not without a recourse, if those were empty promises.
There is always Whitman's NEXT election! We choose believe her for now.
Use your imagination to help Whitman win. When Whitman
wins, WE win. [5 "W" words? Do a high-five for the 5 Ws & be a
Whitman supporter. :) :) ]
Respectfully & proudly yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President till December, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
PS Additional News! 80-20 brings values to Asian Am voters. Politicians
now chase after Asian Am. voters, like they do other voters. Example?
(1) Whitman bought political TV ads in Asian Am. community, a historic
first for any major non-Asian politician in CA.
(2) Brown sought out Dr. Albert Wang of Fremont, CA to be a
"talking head" for Brown. Albert, an 80-20 Life Member, showing
solidarity with 80-20, declined.
Before we are equal citizens, if WE don't put our AsAm interests
forefront and foremost, then WHO WILL???
Monday, October 11, 2010
Super Urgent
TO: Asian Ams. Residing or Having Friends in California
80-20 is having discussions with the Whitman campaign. If you are a
Democrat or a Decline, please call 408-400-3887 or send a fax 408-404-
3826 with a message similar to the one below, within the next 12 hours.
If 100 or more calls/faxes get into Whitman's campaign in one day, we may
have something positive to report to you, THANKS TO YOU!
"Dear Ms. Whitman:
I am a Democrat (or Decline), I'll vote for you if you reach an
agreement with the 80-20 Initiative, and it endorses you. I'll also ask
my relatives and friends to vote for you. Thank you.
Title (For identification purposes only):
Complete Street Addresses:
If you don't have a fax machine, click on
which allows you to send a free fax. Please be sure that you are either a
Dem. or a Decline, because Whitman's campaign may check it.
If you can demonstrate to CA politicians that 80-20 has the broad based
support to deliver a bloc vote for either of the two gubernatorial candidates,
80-20 shall, one way or another, get the job done for YOU and YOUR
children. Email me now saying "I've done it." :) :) THANK YOU.
Best regards,
S.B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A copy of 80-20 California Coalition's questionnaire
> > to Meg Whitman is shown below:
Friday, October 08, 2010
HOT News: Whitman vs. Brown
Your want to know how Am. politics is really like? Read this article!
Jerry Brown doesn't have time to answer our questionnaire, but he has
the time to call a Union officer and said, " . . . give me a call . . I love to
talk to you . . Call me back will you? This is really really important . .
The race is tied. . . ."
For the video tape that documents Brown and/or a staff calling Whitman
a W-H-ORE after Brown thought that he has hung up the phone, go to a LA
Times report (go to the middle of the page): .
Why does Jerry Brown personally call a Union officer and say it was
"really really important" to have a call-back but doesn't have the time to
answer a questionnaire asking for his commitment to help 6 million
Asian Ams. in his state win equal citizenship? ??
It is because Brown believes that Asian Ams don't have the WILL to
fight it out with him? Is he right? ? ?
80-20 has appealed to you many times that to be effective in politics in
America, we must play politics the American way. To witness for yourself
how politics is played in America, go listen to the conversation in a
youTUBE tape, AFTER the phone was thought hung up.
"they'll go to Whitman to make a deal, . . w-h-ore . . w-h-ore . . cut a
secret deal . . she is a w-h-ore . . "
The truth is that both side cut deals. However, we, Asian Ams, have
traditionally been cut out of the deal. 80-20 tells you the truth, and fights
hard for you to be EQUAL citizens.
Join us! No other Asian Am orgs. fights for YOU like the 80-20
Initiative. Go . Or send a check to
80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229. Write your e-address at
the back of your check please. Forward this to friends. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
PS Have you sent a fax to Brown? If not, send something like the
following to 510 628-0909. If you don't have a fax machine, go to . BTW, the Brown Rally in LA scheduled for
today has been cancelled. See how our GROUP political clout works!
Mike Eng may be the real hero behind the scene. 80-20 thanks him.
"Dear Mr. Brown:
Please seize this LAST chance to reply to 80-20 California Coalition's
questionnaire. Otherwise, I'll be voting for Meg Whitman and ask
my friends to do. You are beginning to offend me.
Complete address:
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
AsAms versus Jerry Brown in CA
reward our political friends and punish our foes, instead of selfishly
calculating how it'll benefit "ME"!
Of course, we MUST exercise due diligence to know which politicians
are truly our friends or foes. The ones showering us with sweet words
may not be our friends, nor those with the "right" party affiliation whether
R or D. We look at the DEEDS of a politician.
That is where Jerry Brown comes in. He said he has no time to
answer our questionnaire expressing our concerns -- a BAD SIGN. A
candidate must share its voters' concerns. If Brown is NOT willing to
share our concerns now, he'll NOT share our concerns if he wins
the election.
That brings us to LA. Assemblyman Mike Eng, a friend and an 80-
20 member, who has without knowledge of Brown's unwillingness to
address our concerns, scheduled a rally to appear with Brown in LA to
get Asian Am votes. Upon learning of that rally, 80-20 immediately
emailed Mike to ask him to stop that rally, unless Brown answers
our questionnaire positively.
Mike is working on it. 80-20 expects Mike to refuse the appearance, if
Brown doesn't answer positively. It's time for our political leaders to stop
endorsing candidates, unless there is a concrete benefit back to the
At the worst, 80-20 will organize a demonstration against Brown
in LA on 9/8 (Friday) . If 80-20 calls for a demonstration, I'll of
course be there.
On a different front, 80-20 rewards it friends. 80-20's Exec Comm. has
authorized $15K to $25K to help get Sen. Boxer elected in CA, because
she responded to 80-20's appeal to recommend Asian Am. jurists to
President Obama.
80-20 has begun an aggressive media buy for the last two weeks of the
election to reward Sen. Boxer and punish Jerry Brown, since he said no to
us first perhaps encouraging Meg Whitman to do the same. In any respect,
hitting both punishes neither. We must punish the one who said NO to us
Mark my word. Even when Brown wins, he'll come court us for his next
election, IF our punishment is effective this time. This is how American
politics works. If Brown answers with all yeses, we'll then swing our army
to confront Whitman.
Watch us. 80-20 fights for you like no other Asian Am. orgs have ever
done in the history of America.
We need 8 more NEW members to receive a $3.5K matching fund. Help!
Go . TOGETHER, we shall overcome.
Forward "AsAm versus Brown" to friends pls.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc
Saturday, October 02, 2010
AsAms mad at Jerry Brown
Governor, Jerry Brown's headquarters. All saying that if he is unwilling
to share our rightful concerns, then we'll not vote for him or we'll
reconsider our earlier intention to vote for him.
Among the faxes copied to me, there are many very thoughtful
observations and comments:
1) . . . Even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had time to answer our
questionnaire when they ran, why not you?
2) . . . Lacking in energy at your age?
3) . . . Even if your office are too busy to fill out the questionnaire prepared
by (80-20 California Coalition), would you please address those grievances
in your own way and say what Mr. Brown is prepared to do to relieve the
grievances stated in the questionnaire, if elected?
4) . . . If you lack resource and time for appropriately responding our
request, then I don't think you will have time and energy to take care us in
the future.
Please keep on calling Jerry Brown's headquarters 510 628-0202 or
faxing 510 629-0909. Keep up the pressure. Let Jerry Brown know that
Asian Ams will not tolerate being treated as tokens today. We are NOT like
the olden days when he was the Governor from 1975 to 1983.
We heard that there may be a Brown event in LA on Oct. 8th aiming at
Asian Americans. We may organize a demonstration at that event.
Those of you who may want to participate in the demonstration, please let
me know. Also share you ideas with me about that event.
Do your share! Together we shall overcome.
Many also asked for Meg Whitman's phone and fax numbers to
urge her to reply quickly & positively. They are (T) 408-400-3887
(F) 408-404-3826.
Meg Whitman is still silent. But Brown has already said NO to us.
See Brown's answer at .
S. B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's time to rise and be heard. It is Call To Action!
California is a state that Asian Ams. should enjoy EQUAL opportunity.
We have an 8% share in voting population and a 15% share in general
population -- large enough to be politically effective with the state
government. Right?
Unfortunately, no! Indeed in some areas, CA is worse than other states.
(1) huge % of Asian Am. students in state universities, but only
3.4 % of presidents/Chancellors,
(2) 15% population, but much less % of judges in state courts. Indeed,
in CA Appeals Court - San Francisco, it is 0% among 25 judges, &
(3) The glass ceiling on Asian Am state employees is as low as other
Therefore, 80-20's "California Coalition" has sent a questionnaire (see *) to
the 2 gubernatorial candidates Meg Whitman & Jerry Brown hoping that
their positive answers will assure equal opportunity for Asian Ams in CA.
The candidates were given two weeks to reply, ending on Oct. 3.
Jerry Brown didn't even wait till the deadline to say NO to us. To see his
answer, visit .
This is not tolerable. Let Brown hear our voice, ACT!
Please call Brown's headquarters 510 628-0209 or
Fax 510 628-0909. Don't use email. They normally don't read it. Use
your own words. The contents should be along this line of:
"Dear Mr. Brown:
I urge you to reply positively to the questionnaire from 80-20
California Coalition. Otherwise, I'll reconsider my vote for you
(or I'll vote against you). I'll also tell my friends that I am very
disappointed with you.
Address: City and Zip code"
Has Meg Whitman answered? Not yet. She has till Oct. 3.
Call or fax now. Fax is the always the most effective, because it is weighted
more by political offices. If you don't have a fax machine, please go to which allows you to send a free fax.
After you've faxed or called, send me an email saying "I've done it!"
This is a battle for our EQUAL opportunity. There is no better time than
the election time to get the politicians to listen to us. Act now!
Counting on you.
S. B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC. Inc.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
on how Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, a Republican, reacts to
80-20's offer to help him in his 2012 re-election campaign.
How so? Pls read on.
So few Asian Am. are federal judges owing to the benign neglect of
Asian Americans by BOTH political parties. Now the Democrats, under
Pres. Obama, are trying to remedy the shameful situation. However, the
Republican Party seems determined to continue its old ways -- keeping
us down.
The Republicans say that the 2 jurists are too liberal. Is that the real
reason? Think! Since they didn't appoint many conservative AsAm judges when
they had the chance, could it be that they just didn't want many Asian Am
federal judges?
On November 2, the election day, 3 million Asian Am. voters will
reward those who vote to confirm and punish those who thwart us by
blocking the nominations. It is the day of reckoning!
A Summary of the Relevant Past Events:
1. President Obama nominated 7 Asian Am. federal judges since he took
office 2 years ago, almost doubling the original number of 8 Asian
Am. federal judges
2. In Augest, the Senate Republicans used a rarely applied Senate rule to
"kill" the nominations of Goodwin Liu and Ed Chen,
3. Two days later, 80-20 set up a petition site gathering 3300+ signers
asking Pres. Obama to RE-nominate the 2 jurists.
4. Pres. Obama heard our voice and RE-nominated.
5. A few days ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee once again approved
the nominations of Liu & Chen aiming to move the nominations to a
full Senate debate.
The Upcoming Battles
The Senate Republicans will likely block the two nominations from
getting a full-senate debate. This means that 60 votes will be required to
break the block, before the nominations can be confirmed requiring only
51 votes. Since Democrats can only deliver 59 votes, our community must
find ONE Republican Senator to cast the 60th vote to break the block --
80-20 has focused on Sen. S. Brown of MA.
If the Republicans choose to block, they are blatantly ignoring the
expressed will of Asian Ams which include the following:
i) 3300+ signed on 80-20's petition to Pres. Obama,
ii) numerous Asian Ams sent automatically generated letters to
Senate leadership - Sen. Reid (D) & Sen. McConnell (R) - to move the
nominations for a full senate debate without a block. The site was
set up by NAPABA, AAJC and OCA.
iii) Supporters of 80-20 poured an estimated 100 to 150 faxes into
Sen. Scott Brown' D.C. office, urging him to cast the 60th
vote to break the block, should it occur. They are mostly
MA voters writing their own letters, signing and giving their
home addresses.
Sen. Brown, a Republican, faces a very tough re-election bid in 2012 in
MA which is just about the most Democratic state. Since 19 years ago, no
Republican Congressional delegate has EVER won re-election. Brown will
need every vote he can get to be re-elected. So if he helps us, we'll
help him. 80-20 shall lead an Asian Am. bloc vote in Brown's favor in
2012, if he casts the 60th vote to break the block.
80-20 will get a $3,500 matching fund, when 21 more NEW members join.
Go , or send a check to
80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229. Thank you.
S. B. Woo (a volunteer)
80-20 gratefully acknowledges the donations from
Bernie Lee, Sun Lakes, AZ $1,000
Cecilia Yu, Rolling Hill, CA $1,000
Friday, September 17, 2010
Urgent! For AsAms in Massachusetts
If you have NOT faxed Sen. Scott Brown yet, please do so NOW!
14 million Asian Ams look to you to perform this political feat.
Sen. Brown is the most likely of the 41 GOP senators to help us. He is
relatively independent, and he dearly needs our help in his re-election bid
in 2012 in a very Democratic state.
Sen. Brown's fax number is 202 228-2646. A sample fax is shown below.
However, please use your own words. Otherwise, Senator Brown may take your
serious request as a form letter.
"Subject: Cast the 60th vote
Dear Sen. Brown:
I urge you to cast the 60th vote to break the anticipated block of
two Asian Am jurists, Goodwin Liu for the 9th Circuit Court and
Edward Chen for the N. CA District Court. If you do that, I'll vote for
you in 2012 and urge my friends and relatives to also do so.
I'll also urge "80-20 Initiative," a political organization that I listen to,
to consider urging a bloc vote for your re-election in 2012. That seems
the fair thing for 80-20 to do.
Name, title (your most impressive ones) and postal address
Cc: S. B. Woo, Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
" Please do NOT send emails, most offices don't read them. Do NOT send a letter.
The security check for anthrax will takes days if not weeks. The fax is the ONLY
effective way. If you don't have a fax machine, please go to which allows you to send a free fax.
Kindly please COPY ME IN so that I know how many faxes have gone into
Sen. Brown's office. This campaign will be called off 3 days from today, on
9/21. By then, Sen. Brown will know the intensity of our yearning. If
more than 100 faxes have poured in already, he'll know that in his
re-election bid in 2012, he can either expect an Asian American
bloc vote for him, or against him.
AsAms represent 4% of MA's vote. A bloc vote by 4% of voters can easily
make the difference. Will Sen. Brown respond positively? It depends on
whether YOU do your share of faxing him! Thank you.
Urgently awaiting you to fax, thereby giving our children political clout,
S.B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
YOU & the political quake in Delaware
in Delaware (DE)? YOU may benefit from it!
If Chris Coons, the Democrats candidate for US Senate, wins, there may be
another Senator who is open-minded and willing to listen to the rightful
concerns of the Asian Am. community.
Chris worked for me when I was in politics. So did Delaware's current
Governor Jack Markell and current Lieutenant Governor Matt Denn.
Here is a picture taken at our home last Christmas season. From the left,
Chris Coons, Gov. Jack Markell, S. B. Woo*, and Lietenant Govenor
Matt Denn.
Chris was also at my house last Sunday when Katy and I had a fundraiser
for him. He publicly stated that he'd be very privileged to hire a talented
Asian American senate staff when elected.
Friends: Let's invest in the political process to help us achieve equal
citizenship. 80-20 has proven again and again that to be effective in
US politics, one must practice politics the American way i.e. the
80-20 way.
Join 80-20. We try so hard to help you. Will you consider helping us
back? 80-20 has just hired an Executive Director increasing its annual
expenditure by about $100K per year. Will you help please? To join click
on , and then on the RED BUTTON, or
you can send a check to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Be sure to place your e-address at the back of your check. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
S.B. Woo, (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
* Actually as a former Lt. Gov., I have a life-time title of Governor Woo. Some
folks in Delaware still address me thusly. However, I don't use it in the
Asian Am. community. :) :) :) Pls. just call me S.B., as in the past.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pres. Obama Re-nominated 2 AsAm jurists !
Pres. Obama has responded to our petition & press conference*. He
has RE-NOMINATED Goodwin Liu and Edward Chen at 7 p.m. last night.
Click on .
Never in American history has a President responded so directly and
frequently to the voice of the Asian Am. community!
YOU & 80-20 together now attend to our NEXT QUEST.
WE shall find one Republican Senator to cast the 60th vote to
break an anticipated Republican block to submit the names of these
2 jurists for a full Senate debate. We believe the vote could come from
Sen. Scott Brown of MA, Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins
of Maine, or Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC.
80-20 urgently needs to hear from those Asian Ams who donated
to Sen. Brown. IF YOU were one, please email me directly. YOU
will be much more persuasive than others in the eyes of Sen. Brown.
We need you to fax a message to him.
When we succeed in the securing the 60th vote, which the Democratic
Senate leadership has thus far failed to obtain, and when the entire
Asian Am. community shows gratitude, say, to Sen. Brown in MA in 2010
running for re-election in a very Democratic state, it'll be something to behold.
The sequence of anticipated successes 80-20 has outlined here will not only
brighten our children's future & greatly enhance our political clout, but
also make political history in not just the Asian Am community but
in America's history. We count on YOU to help.
Pass the word to all Asian Ams. donors to Sen. Brown in MA, CA and NY.
Our community needs their help at this critical moment. If Sen. Brown
hels us. We'll help back. There are 4% AsAm voter in MA who can cast
a bloc vote.
So HELP if you can. Another way to help is to join 80-20, which has
fought & won for YOU so many times. Click on , or send a check to
80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,,
S. B. Woo
Acting President for the next 3.5 months only (still a volunteer)
* The petition of 3300+ signers was sent to Pres. Obama on 9/9. 80-20
also called a press conference yesterday together with leaders of APAPA &
CAPA in San Francisco to reinforce our yearning for re-nominations to
Pres. Obama.
PS: Lena Tam, an 80-20 Board Member, is running for re-election as a
councilwoman of the Alameda City. She is the first Asian Am. elected
official who is serving on 80-20's Board, and is a great public servant. We
need to make sure that she is re-elected. She faced completely false
accusations from some dirty politicians. Alameda County D.A. had just
completely exonerated her on 9/8/2010.
For unsubscribing, reply with the keyword "" WITHOUT the quotation marks. When replying, please copy/cut the keyword first and then paste it in your reply.
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| show details Sep 14 (11 days ago) |
has RE-NOMINATED Goodwin Liu and Edward Chen at 7 p.m. last night.
Click on .
frequently to the voice of the Asian Am. community!
break an anticipated Republican block to submit the names of these
2 jurists for a full Senate debate. We believe the vote could come from
Sen. Scott Brown of MA, Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins
of Maine, or Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC.
to Sen. Brown. IF YOU were one, please email me directly. YOU
will be much more persuasive than others in the eyes of Sen. Brown.
We need you to fax a message to him.
Senate leadership has thus far failed to obtain, and when the entire
Asian Am. community shows gratitude, say, to Sen. Brown in MA in 2010
running for re-election in a very Democratic state, it'll be something to behold.
brighten our children's future & greatly enhance our political clout, but
also make political history in not just the Asian Am community but
in America's history. We count on YOU to help.
Our community needs their help at this critical moment. If Sen. Brown
a bloc vote.
fought & won for YOU so many times. Click on , or send a check to
80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,,
Acting President for the next 3.5 months only (still a volunteer)
also called a press conference yesterday together with leaders of APAPA &
CAPA in San Francisco to reinforce our yearning for re-nominations to
Pres. Obama.
councilwoman of the Alameda City. She is the first Asian Am. elected
need to make sure that she is re-elected. She faced completely false
accusations from some dirty politicians. Alameda County D.A. had just
completely exonerated her on 9/8/2010.