If you have NOT faxed Sen. Scott Brown yet, please do so NOW!
14 million Asian Ams look to you to perform this political feat.
Sen. Brown is the most likely of the 41 GOP senators to help us. He is
relatively independent, and he dearly needs our help in his re-election bid
in 2012 in a very Democratic state.
Sen. Brown's fax number is 202 228-2646. A sample fax is shown below.
However, please use your own words. Otherwise, Senator Brown may take your
serious request as a form letter.
"Subject: Cast the 60th vote
Dear Sen. Brown:
I urge you to cast the 60th vote to break the anticipated block of
two Asian Am jurists, Goodwin Liu for the 9th Circuit Court and
Edward Chen for the N. CA District Court. If you do that, I'll vote for
you in 2012 and urge my friends and relatives to also do so.
I'll also urge "80-20 Initiative," a political organization that I listen to,
to consider urging a bloc vote for your re-election in 2012. That seems
the fair thing for 80-20 to do.
Name, title (your most impressive ones) and postal address
Cc: S. B. Woo, Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
" Please do NOT send emails, most offices don't read them. Do NOT send a letter.
The security check for anthrax will takes days if not weeks. The fax is the ONLY
effective way. If you don't have a fax machine, please go to
http://www.gotfreefax.com/ which allows you to send a free fax.
Kindly please COPY ME IN so that I know how many faxes have gone into
Sen. Brown's office. This campaign will be called off 3 days from today, on
9/21. By then, Sen. Brown will know the intensity of our yearning. If
more than 100 faxes have poured in already, he'll know that in his
re-election bid in 2012, he can either expect an Asian American
bloc vote for him, or against him.
AsAms represent 4% of MA's vote. A bloc vote by 4% of voters can easily
make the difference. Will Sen. Brown respond positively? It depends on
whether YOU do your share of faxing him! Thank you.
Urgently awaiting you to fax, thereby giving our children political clout,
S.B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.