Grateful Acknowledgement
Three great couples in the Bay areas in CA, Bob & Grace Chen, Cheng & Cathy Liao, and
Chenming & Margaret Hu have organized a "Chen&Liao&Hu 100 New-Member Fund"
to help 80-20 recruit 100 new members this year. "One for all, and all for one!" 80-20
will love to have such HELP!!!
[A] A Cost-effective Suggestion
Why pay $15,000 to $45,000 per year for college but not $35 per year to 80-20?
A college diploma gets your children entry-level jobs and promotions. 80-20 ensures that your children'll achieve the maximum of
their potentials!
Why pay $350 per hour for lawyers but not pay $35 to 80-20? As an individual, you can't break the glass ceiling, seen below.

[B] 80-20 Is Proven Effective in Breaking the Glass Ceiling for all of us
(A) When 80-20 called for more Asian Am federal judges 5 years ago, there were only 6, all at the lowest district court level. Today,
there are 13 judges at the district level, & 1 at the Appeals court level. Effective!
(B) President Obama promised in writing to 80-20 to help us achieve equal opportunity to rise to the top in workplaces. See the huge
change in higher education since then:
o Jim Yong Kim, a Korean Am, President, Dartmouth College, PA, appointed in 2009, the first Asian Am. Ivy School president;
o Wallace D. Loh, a Chinese Am, President, Univ. of Maryland, main campus, appointed in 2010, the 2nd Asian Am president of a large state university;
o Conrado Gempesaw, a Filipino Am, Provost, Miami University, Ohio, appointed in 2010;
o Phyll 8a0 is Wise, a Chinese Am, Chancellor, Univ. of Illinois, main campus, appointed in 2011, 3rd Asian Am president of a large state univ;
o Jacqueline Mok, a Chinese Am, Interim Provost, U. of Arizona, main campus, appointed in 2011;
o Suresh Subramani, An Indian Am, Executive Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Calif, San Diego, appointed in 2011; and
o Satish K. Tripathi, an Indian Am, President, State Univ. of NY, Buffalo, appointed in 2011,
Those 7 appointments in the last 3 years are more than what Asian Am academics have ever achieved in the history of America!
"Give a man a fish and he eats it for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he won't starve for his entire life."
80-20 aims to DOUBLE the number of Asian Am political activists so that our Group Political Clout will last. Please help.
If 80-20 fails. 80-20 shall DISSOLVE itself and let another organization try curing this root-cause of our weakness -- POLITICAL APATHY.
If you want 80-20 to live, help 80-20 DOUBLE its membership. Using a credit card, go to Or send your check to
80-20 PAC 13337 South St. #189 Cerritos, CA 90703. There is a matching fund of $10,000 for dues of anyone joining. Basic $35;
Family $50 or Life Member $1,000.
Please forward this email to those families who are spending $15K to $45K/yr for colleges &
are not paying the $35/yr to 80-20.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer for 12 years and having donated $100K to 80-20