Thursday, March 27, 2014

Q& A regarding Senator Leland Yee

Reference: A 137 page affidavit prepared by the FBI many days ago, but unsealed yesterday. To read it, Click here

1. How long has FBI's agents been tracking Yee?

Almost 3 years, since May 2011. Much, if not all, of the checks paid to Yee and conversations with Yee were recorded.

2. When was the latest meeting between Yee and an FBI undercover agent, & what did they talk about?

13 days ago on March 14, 2014. 


How Yee could get illegal arms for the FBI undercover agent.

3. What are the charges against Yee?

Taking bribes (or wire fraud of honest service) and selling arms without a license.

4. What might be the consequence for Yee? Jail? 
Jail or not, Yee's campaign for CA's Secretary of State will 100% certain collapse. CA's Senate leader has already publicly asked Yee to resign.

5. What kind of a person is Yee?
   (1) Yee is an anti-gun advocate, but he traffics firearms.
   (2) Yee's secretary of state campaign advocates for government transparency and stopping corruption, but his dirty deeds are hidden from the sun and he took bribes.     
   (3) Yee swears that he'd always defend Chines Am. interest, but he voted for SCA 5.  Yee said that "I asked Sen. Hermandez 'if SCA 5 will negatively impact the Chinese'. Hermandez said 'no.' I believe him then and I believe him now." Listen to Yee's own words, by clicking here.

I had presided over the DE Senate for 4 years, I have never met a senator who would take the words of another senator regarding a bill sponsored by that senator. Every senator would always go back to his/her office and get the staff to begin doing independent assessment. Leland Yee's explanation was nothing but a lie to deceive his Chinese Am supporters. He consistently says one thing, but does just the opposite. Yee is a despicable person.

6. What does it mean for 80-20?
   80-20's effort to empower you continues. A few days ago, 80-20 publicly stated that we need to defeat Leland Yee and Paul Fong for not defending our rightful interests. It must be done to induce the rest of the AsAm elected   officials to be accountable to us in the future. Now, Yee is gone. Fong is yet to go.
   If you live in Paul Fong's election district. Make sure that you tell voters in City District 1 of San Jose, where Fong is running, not to vote for Fong.

   ALL OF US WILL BE EMPOWERED, if we reward and punish the elected officials according to their performance as a public SERVANT.

7. Anything else?
   Get every AsAm to register and vote! That is the only lasting SELF EMPOWERMENT! 

S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National AsAm PAC, Inc. 

*Please email to subscribe to our newsletter

Monday, March 24, 2014

Against Impossible Odds, We Fought and Won

To the brave AsAm, particularly Ch-Am, fighters, 80-20 salutes
Against impossible odds, YOU responded to 80-20's clarion call
to "rise and act." YOU provided great local leadership. 80-20 assisted
with its political know-how. TOGETHER, we won.
   Thanks to you, there are much superlative press attention & praise
for you & 80-20 Initiative in the last few days. Against impossible odds, in
a legislative battle where the Dem Party has a 2/3 majority in both the
Senate and the Assembly, we induced the Speaker of the Assembly to kill
the Senate California Constitutional Amendment 5 (SCA 5). SCA 5 aimed
to re-introduce "race conscious" college admissions to CA which severely
hurts AsAm students. 

   Seasoned political reporters in prestigious major media said the
following about 80-20.
      1) Economist:    Not black and white .   By Tom Nuttall.
[Note: Economist is an prestigious international weekly, published in
London, England. The author is Tom Nuttall, Economist's west coast
correspondent. He was an editor at the European Council on Foreign
Relations. So he certainly knows politics, and knows how to judge
the effectiveness of political organizations.] 

"THE 80-20 Initiative, an Asian-American lobby group, scored its first big
success last October when it forced Jimmy Kimmel, a television host, to
apologize for allowing a five-year-old boy to suggest on air that America
should kill everyone in China in order to avoid its debt obligations. This
week the group pulled off a more edifying win, defeating an attempt to
allow Californian universities to take account of race when deciding whom
to admit. 

"California's Democrats have long chafed against Proposition 209, . . . .
whizzed through the state Senate. It seemed likely to pass in the lower
house, too. California's voters, a more mixed bunch these days, may well
have supported it. 

"And so after the Senate vote the 80-20 Initiative urged its 350,000
e-mail subscribers to press Asian-American legislators to scrap SCA 5.
Energetic and bottom-up, the ensuing campaign had a Tea-Party whiff to
it. And it worked: their phones ringing off the hook, several Asian-
American Democrats decided that ethnic allegiances trumped partisan
ones and withheld support for the bill. On March 17th John Perez, the
Assembly Speaker, withdrew it from consideration. . . . 
Asian-Americans have low voting rates and are not noted for political
activism. Could this debate change that? S.B. Woo, 80-20's co-founder,
likes to think so. It is time for Asians to acquire the political sophistication
of whites, he argues; they should harass Asian politicians who fail their
constituents, and should be willing to play the parties off against each 604b

   "Economist" is NOT the only media that is reporting our impact
on this legislative reversal. See below. Many more are NOT listed. 

      2) Southern California Public Radio: SCA 5: A political
coming-of-age story for Chinese-Americans
      6) California Magazine, UC Berkeley Alumni Quarterly: Stunned
Legislature Halts Move to Diversify Colleges Amid Asian
American Backlash
   Frankly & honestly, 80-20 got too much credit, because the real credit
should go to YOU!!! 

   On the other hand, was 80-20's clarion call needed? Did its political courage
and know-how provide the hope & direction? If so, then donate to SELF by
clicking here

   A community, as financially well-to-do and politically immature as ours,
should at lest support one political organization that has a splendid record.
If 80-20's SELF project fail to reach $1 million/yr for 5 years in another
15 months, every penny you've donated will be refunded in full. Subsequently,
80-20 will likely demise at the end of 2016.
   Is self-empowerment permanently much much more important than a
victory in SCA 5?  The CHOICE IS YOURS. 

S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National AsAm PAC, inc.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Q&A on SCA5

1. Q: Who killed SCA 5?
    A: YOU DID.
The AsAms in CA, especially the ChAms, did.
   The pro-Democratic newspapers would have you believe that SCA 5
was killed by the 3 ChAm senators, who have repented, or the Democratic
leadership. The die-hard Republicans will have you believe that the
Republican leadership helped killed SCA 5. The truth is that YOU Killed
, because both parties were forced by the reality of the upcoming
elections to help the AsAm community kill SCA 5 - Ds want to avoid a
disaster during the next elections & Rs want to defeat a few incumbent Ds.

2.  Q: What can we conclude?
We have the POWER to defend ourselves, when we work together & follow
     good political advice. The politicians are weak before a united and
     well-led AsAm community.

3.  Q: How do we consolidate our SELF empowerment?
4 easy key steps:
(1) We must REGISTER to vote and actually vote. See a list of orgs.*which
     have joined 80-20 for a great campaign to register more voters.
(2) We need to pass a strong message to all AsAm politicians who have
     been negligent in defending our rightful interests. So 80-20
     recommends UN-electing
     (a) Paul Fong who'll be term limited out as an Assemblyman and
     will be running for City Council 1 in San Jose, and
     (b) Leland Yee who is also term limited out as a Senator and will be
     running for Secretary of State of CA.
       Ted Lieu has helped 80-20 stop SCA 5 in many ways. He also
     stated publicly: "I will vote against SCA 5 if and when it comes
     back to the Senate and any amendment in any form that continues to
     seek race conscious admissions." We recommend that you give him
     due consideration in his Congressional campaign. Carol Liu's attitude
     in SCA 5 is very questionable, but she is NOT running this year.
(3) Respect all communities of all races.
(4) Don't blame Sen. Hermandez for proposing SCA 5. He is working for
     the interests of his constituents as an elected official should. If all AsAm
     elected officials will be as dutiful to AsAm interest as Sen. Hermandez is
     to Hispanics' interests, AsAms will be doing great.

4.  Q: Does defeating SCA 5 benefit AsAms nationally?
Yes! See how the international & national media now show respect to
     AsAms, and to 80-20 Initiatives
. In the last 3 days, Woo, Pres. of
     80-20 Initiative has 8 interview requests. Click on the blue words
     to see the articles.
1. Economist, a weekly paper published in London, England
2. Southern California Public Radio
3. LA Times
4. San Francisco Chronicle
5. Sacramento Bee
6. The Nation
7. California Magazine, UC Berkeley Alumni Quarterly
8. Pasadena Star-News
9. 80-20 was also mentioned in a blog.

   TOGETHER, we shall overcome.

S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National Asian Am. Political Action Committee

* 80-20 is honored to be working with these orgs to register AsAms:
         Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA)
         CivilRights WeChat 

         San Diego Asian American for Equality (SDAAFE)
         Chinese United League   
Join this great campaign, if you are not afraid of work.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SCA5 DEAD! EASIEST way to empower yourself

   "SCA 5 IS DEAD" - a quote from 80-20's e-mail to you 4 days ago. Yesterday,
its death was formalized by Assembly Speaker Perez. He referred SCA 5 back
to the CA Senate. Could it come back 2 years from now? Quite likely!
         EMPOWER YOURSELF so that it'll never comeback!

             Register to vote! Here is the EASIEST way.
   If you reside in CA, having registered will enable you to vote against
SCA 5 if necessary. See how the CA Democratic politicians responded to your
protests? If many of us register as Republican voters today, they'll really
get your message. They'll never touch SCA 5 again!
   Nationally, in 2008, only 2.5 of the 6 million eligible AsAms voted.
Imagine if all 6 million had voted and that they are known to ALWAYS
vote in presidential PRIMARIES, like the Jewish. We will be
equal citizens of he US, without batting an eyelash. In America, the
best way to help make immigrants equal citizens is through the political
process -- voting power under expert political guidance.

        Below is for US citizens who have NOT registered
      to vote, or have moved to a new address. Otherwise,
      this email doesn't concern you.
Here is the EASIEST WAY to register to vote! Takes 10 minutes or less.

   Click on , you'll see a map. Click
on your state. That leads you to a form. Fill out the form. Click on the
download button firmly, print, SIGN & DATE, and mail in your application
form. You can use you own envelope, if you find it more convenient.
   Your state, upon receiving your application, will mail you a "voter
registration card." YOU NEED TO FILL THAT OUT AND MAIL IT IN. Only
then will you be registered
. Note that registering to vote is ALWAYS A TWO-
STEP PROCESS, whether you register via a website or go to a registration

site in person.

   GO TO: NOW! Take 10 minutes
only!!! Be a voter for your children's and grand-children's sake.

   When the "Voter Registration Card" comes, you may want to choose to
vote by absentee PERMANENTLY. That is you VOTE BY MAIL instead of going
to a polling place. It is again the easiest way!!! Forward this e-mail to
your friends. 

   EMPOWER YOURSELF -- 80-20's fondest dream! Register NOW!

SB, a volunteer