Monday, June 21, 2010

Lost & "to find"!

We LOST our chance to be kingmakers on the 6/8 primary in CA. Let's
make sure that we FIND it in the next CA primary. Kindly please read.


(1) Is it possible for the small % of Asian Am voters in Calif to become
the political kingmakers in a CA primary? YES. Read on.

(2) Assuming that it's possible, what good will it do?
We may then use that clout to induce CA's governor to give us ironclad
commitment to break the glass ceiling against Asian Ams. in CA.

(3) Is there a glass ceiling over AsAms in CA's state government?
You be the judge. Keep these statistics in mind:
Asian Am population in CA: 14%
Asian students in Univ. of CA System: 40%
Cabinet officers in CA Governor's Administration: 13% (2/15)
Regents in the UC system: 5.5% (1/18)
Chancellors in the UC system: 20% (2/10)
Presidents in the State Univ. system: 4.3% (1/23)
Presidents in the Community College system: 1.8% (2/112)

(4) What good will it do for the rest of us, who don't reside in CA?
When the CA state government breaks its glass ceiling against Asian Ams,
will the other 49 state governments be far behind? Strategically, CA is the
best state for us to target & crack the glass ceiling.

[B] Strategically, how can we be kingmakers in the
2012 PRIMARY election in CA?

Four favorable conditions converge in a CA primary:

i) Asian Ams' vote share is the largest in the state of CA: 7%

ii) Only 1/4 of the voters will vote in a primary*. Hence, our 7% vote share
could become 28%, if all of us vote in a primary.

iii) A large number of candidates run for the same position in a PRIMARY.
Hence, while the other voters split their votes among the many
candidates, our bloc vote goes to the one candidate endorsed
by 80-20.

iv) Our voting share is actually 33%, owing to the recently passed Prop.
14 which allows Declines to vote. (See footnote for details about Prop
14.) The % of Asian Ams having registered as Declines is about twice
that of the general population.

Result? Most candidates endorsed by 80-20 in a CA primary will win.
We will be known as kingmakers in CA primary elections. Candidates,
regardless of party affiliation, will thereafter complete to win our endorse-
ment. 80-20 will use this clout to get candidates to give ironclad
commitments to use their political power, as Pres. Obama did, to make us
EQUAL citizens.!

That was how the Irish, Polish, Italians, blacks and Jewish won their
equal citizenships as well.

That simple? Yes, that simple!

So register to vote. Ask to be a "permanent absentee voter," and vote
in the next PRIMARY.

Join 80-20 to strengthen our GROUP political clout. Click on . Or send a 

check to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Place your e-address at the back of your check please. Do YOUR share


S. B. Woo, Acting Exec. Director (a volunteer), 80-20 PAC, Inc.

* 13.7 million Californians voted in the 2008 general election. Only 3.3
million voted in the June 8, 2010 CA primary, which is LESS than 1/4 of
13.7 million.

Footnote: What is Proposition 14?
Prop. 14 has eliminated PARTY primaries in CA. There is only one
STATE primary, where Dem/Rep/Declines/Others may ALL vote. The
two top vote getters, whether in the same party or not, will run against
each other in the general election. "Declines" may vote in a state primary
WITHOUT asking for a specific party ballot. This prop. doesn't affect
the presidential election.