1) Filing A Law Suit Against The Department of Labor, DOL:
80-20 is actively preparing to sue The Department of Labor for non-enforcement of Exec. Order 11246 on behalf of AsAms. EO 11246 is a comprehensive and powerful law that broke the glass ceilings for other minorities including the blacks, the women and the Hispanics. It was never enforced for AsAm. See
Such a suit has a legal precedent. The 9th Circuit court, the second highest level of courts of the land, ruled on 12/4/1979 in favor of an almost identical case. The Legal Aid Society of Alameda County filed a suit against then Labor Secretary Peter Brennan for non-enforce of EO 11246 in a number of agricultural companies. The Secretary was ordered by the court to enforce the law, and the federal contracts held by offending companies were terminated. For those of you with law training, see 608 F.2d 1319, West Law.
Feel free to contact 80-20, if your law firm is interested in representing 80-20, or your organization is interested in joining 80-20 in filing such a law suit. Email S. B. Woo: sbw@udel.edu .
(2) How YOU personally may Improve AsAm Political Clout
When polled about which presidential candidate YOU are supporting,, please say “UNDECIDED” before 80-20's endorsement is known. Soon pollsters will tell Bush, Kerry and Nader campaigns that there are a lot of UNDECIDED AsAms voters. Soon, these campaigns will court us with urgency.
Only 5% of the nation's voters are still UNDECIDED today. If all of the AsAms voters, representing 2.5% of the nations’ voter, are UNDECIDED, then AsAms will represent 50% of the remaining UNDECIDED voters. Can you image how much both parties will be willing to do to get our vote?
Be UNDECIDED, until 80-20 endorses! You hold your line, and collectively we'll get our EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN WORKPLACES.
(3) Record High Membership & A Bigger & Bigger War Chest
1800 members have already joined. By December, we are certain to break the old record of 2010 members!
In the last 4 days, $8,000 rolled in. The following are Life Members who donated again.
Steven Ko of NJ: $1,000 Victor Wu of CA: $1,000
Larry & Sophia Ho of MA: $1,000 James Y. M. Woo of CA: $1,000
Tom and Laura Hsu of TX: $1,000 Savior Woo of NY: $500
C. H. Woo of MD: $250 Ray Wu of NY: $250
Lois Chi of CA: $100,
S. B. & Katy Woo of DE: $2,000 (committing to give more)
(4) Delegates to Endorsement Convention Selected:
48 distinguished candidates competed for 36 Delegates positions, 1/3 of the 36 are Republicans, 1/3 Dems, and 1/3 Independents. They all solemnly promised to abide by the majority decision of the Endorsement Convention regardless of their personal preference for a presidential candidate. They will all pay for their own travel and lodging. We salute them for their dedication to community welfare.
REPUBLICAN Delegates: Kenneth Fong, Steven Ko, Hsiao-Mei Wiedmeyer,
Jack Chen, David T. Chai, Gareth Chang, Timothy Chen, William Uy,
Giga Andreyev, Eva Wu, Arthur Cheung, and Leo Chu.
DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES: Ivy Lee, Albert Wang, Tong Soo
Chung, John Fong, Fel Amistad, Albert Y. M. Huang, Virginia K. Sung,
Inan Ma Feng, Dongzi Liu, Peter Luh, Paul Ma and Ashok (Rocky) Madam.
ALTERNATES in the order of advancement to become a Full Delegate:
Joel Wong, Katy Woo, Roy Liu, Anthony C. Hsieh, Benjamin S. H. Wang.
INDEPENDENT DELEGATES: S. B. Woo, Laura Hsu, David D. Yang,
Kathleen To, Oliver Hsu, Tom Hsu, May Chen, Henry J. Lee, Kam Liu,
Hong Tang, Ching-Liu Wu, Doris Huang.
ALTERNATES in the order of advancement to become a full Delegate:
Jon Wu, Lihong Cai, James Uy, and Jin Qian.
Any US citizen or permanent resident can be a member
TODAY, using a credit card, visit
http://www.80-20initiative.net/membership.html or
http://www.80-20.info/membership.html .
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu 80-20 special Assistant
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the BACK of the check.
Basic membership is $35; Family (2 voters) is $50, Life Membership is
$1,000. Student membership is $15.