Tuesday, April 06, 2004


John Kerry, the Dem. Presidential candidate, has answered YES/YES/YES to 80-20's questionnaire on 12/22/03. Candidate George Bush has not, 100 days later. Is Bush always going to be slower than Kerry in responding to our rightful aspirations?

On 1/19/04, Bush-Cheney headquarters wrote 80-20 saying that it might reply in March. March has come and gone.

80-20's questionnaire seeks his promise that upon his becoming our next president, he will enforce Exec. Order 11246 for us, a law that is already enforced for all Americans except for APAs. When enforced, the number of APA Executive/Administrators/Managers/ Senior Partners are estimated to increase 3 fold within 10 years. To view our questionnaire & Kerry's answers, visit: http://www.80-20initiative.net/preselect.html.

It is time for ALL OF US to let CANDIDATE Bush know that we will NOT consider his candidacy, if he is not willing to promise us equal opportunity. Specifically, we want to see his unambiguous answers to 80-20's questionnaire.

Fax or call "Bush-Cheney '04" :

Fax: (703) 647-2993 or (703) 647-2996 [Try till it's thru.] Phone: (703) 647-2700

1. Please address it to "Candidate George Bush" & ask him to answer 80-20's questionnaire, 2. State that you'll not consider his candidacy, unless he answers the questionnaire satisfactorily,
3. Be sure to include your name, postal address, job title, and your party affiliation, IF you are registered as a Republican or a Decline or an Independent,
4. Copy it to RNC, whose numbers are: Fax: (202) 863-8820 Phone: (202) 863-8500 5. Kindly please copy in S. B. Woo via Fax: (302) 366-0909.

We deserve equal opportunity, but we must be willing to fight for it!! Do NOT give Bush's candidacy financial contribution or any other forms of aid. Fight for our children. They need the enforcement of E.O. 11246. Don't deter their interests.