Indictment Against Peter Liang Politically
Some made the above charge. 80-20 is not ready to
believe it yet. However, 80-20 must be ready to act, when
called for. In the event that politics is interfering against
justice, 80-20 shall play a counter-balancing role.
So we looked into politics in Brooklyn and the track
record of District Attorney (DA) Kenneth Thompson.
The Demographics of Brooklyn
The demographics, shown in the table below, project a
rapidly rising political role for Asian Ams in Brooklyn elections.
From 1990 to 2010, the population of non-Hispanic Whites,
blacks and Hispanics all decreased. In contrast, that of Asian
increased by 135%, or approximately 5% per year.
By Spring of 2017, when the next Democratic primary for
Brooklyn DA will occur, the Asian population will be about 16%.
A primary in which one constituent has an emotional grudge is
where a PAC like 80-20 can play a pivotal role.
The Track Record of DA Ken Thompson
DA Thompson was elected in 2013 after a very bitter election
against a 6-term former Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes. Thompson
was sworn in as DA on 1/1/2014. He seems to be doing a
respectable job. Being a public servant in a city like Brooklyn is
not easy. 80-20 wishes him luck.
However, in 1.2 years, DA Thompson has generated much
negative publicity. See some Newspaper headlines about him
DA's detective driver is former drug dealer | New York Post
- Oct 29, 2014, and
- only 4 days ago.
One quote in the above article says, ""He's a psychopath," the
source said. "There is no DA I know of in the state who has his
own advance team."
Shopping for a DA Candidate for the 2017 Election?
No, no, no! 80-20 will focus its effort on fact finding* to
advance justice. Politics should never interfere with justice.
Let the word go forth that
if 80-20 must use politics to counter-balance politically
motivated scapegoating against Officer Peter Liang of
NYPD, we will!
Forward this e-newsletter!
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 Asian Am. National Political Action Committee, Inc.
* Facts that 80-20 is very interested in verifying:
i) Were Liang and his partner explicitly ordered not to do vertical patrolling in
that building by their boss?
ii) Had Liang admitted that his finger was on the trigger? Or, did he state that
his finger was along the gun barrel but slipped when his right shoulder
hit a door?
iii) Is there any physical evidence that the bullet hit the wall and ricocheted?
Has the physical evidence been protected and/or photographed?
iv) Did Liang and his partner call the Police Union first and 4 minutes later call 911?
v) Some articles describe the stairwell as being "pitch black." Is it true? The
jury could easily be convinced that Officer Liang would feel threatened in
this dangerous public housing project area where the stairwell is pitch black.
Would it then have been reasonable for him to keep the finger on the trigger?
vi) What other police shooting or assault cases has the Brooklyn DA prosecuted r
vII) What role did Liang's partner play in this incident? Is he under investigation
or being disciplined?
80-20's Top 10 Accomplishment, published 3 years ago.