Monday, December 16, 2013


   Thanks to 500 AsAm families, whose donations ranged from $4/yr to $24,000/yr, averaging $400/yr for 5 yrs. PER FAMILY, your SELF project has gone beyond the $200,000/yr for 5 yrs OR $1 million over a 5-year period. To see it for yourself, click here.

   Have you done your share? Why is this email entitled "YOU reached the $1 million mark"? Think! You'll get it.

   Do you want the same helpless feeling when you first heard about the Jimmy Kimmel "Kill all Chinese" episode? Want our children to continue NOT identifying themselves as Asian Ams when applying for college admissions? If you don't, then step up. Sacrifice and donate. Be the 501st family.

   Your children & grandchildren will thank you. To donate, click here.

   What is another $500 or $5,000 or $50,000 in your bequeathing to your children or grandchildren? Give them equality as US citizens. Money can't buy that for them. When you and 80-20 work together, your money will talk a lot louder politically and elsewhere.

S.B. Woo, a full-time volunteer for the last 11 years
President, 80-20 National Asian Am Educational Foundation

PS: Please (1) place into your email address book to receive some of our future emails to you, and (2) FORWARD this to your friends.