Call To Action!
Independent and irrefutable data show that WE are more
discriminated against at work than any other minorities and women.
See below:

These data have been shown to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao
and EEOC Chairwoman Cari Dominguez. To date, neither has
disputed their accuracy. These data cover about one in every
three AsAms who work in the mainstream society.
Is it humiliating to know the above facts? NO! It is only
humiliating if we don't fight to stop such discrimination against
us now that we know. This is why you must respond to this
The DOL is proposing to stop collecting data on: applicants,
hires, promotions, terminations and full-time workers by race, sex,
and ethnicity and compensation by minority or non-minority and
by women or men. The public is given till 3/21 to comment on the
proposed "rule change." 80-20 views the proposal with alarm.
We deem such data as necessary to fight discrimination against
us and to get the DOL to be more aware of its accountability to
enforce Exec. Order 11246. Please copy in When DOL sees a lot of emails from you,
they'll know that 80-20 has AsAms' support.
Please voice opposition to the rule change and get DOL to be
aware of its accountability to enforce EO 11246 on behalf of
AsAms as well.
Whether you use email or Fax, you must have RIN number
1215-AB53 in the subject line. E-mail address:
Fax no.: (202) 693-1304
Please use you own words. Here is the main idea:
"I am opposed to your proposed rule change,
eliminating the EO survey. Such data are useful in
guarding me to decide whether I've been
discriminated against at work. I also hope OFCCP
will do an Asian specific analysis of the collected data
to understand the strongly perceived and statistically
proven discrimination against Asian American at work,
especially at the glass ceiling. Enforce EO 11246 for
Asian Americans!
Thank you.
Home Address:"
SEND your message now. We are great in sending our kids to
good schools. We must be equally great in fighting KNOWN
discrimination against our kids in the workplaces after they get
their degrees.
Join 80-20. Using a credit card, visit (easy to use)
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu 80-20 special Assistant
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the
BACK of the check. Basic membership is $35; Family
(2 voters) is $50, Life Membership is $1,000. Student
membership is $15