kindly please give us 1 minute to read. ####
Here is why you may want to join!
The following TERRIBLE conditions apply to YOU today:
1) An Asian Am. has LESS THAN HALF the chance of an average
American in the same work position to be promoted a
manager. That is true whether YOU work in private industries,
universities or the Federal government.
"Not a Chinaman's chance" still applies to all of us!
2) There are more AsAms in legal professions than either African
Ams or Hispanics. However, when it come to the number of
Federal Judges, AsAms have less than 1/15 and 1/10 of those
who are African Ams and Hispanics respectively. See how much
GROUP political clout makes a difference?
Our population is 4.4%. However, we have only 0.7% of the
active Federal judges.
What is the use of YOUR kids going to Ivy Leagues schools, if they
don't have equal chance to live to the maximum of their ability
and ambition? Does it hurt to know that you may be apparently
comfortable or even rich, but only a second class citizen?
### Do you know of another organization FIGHTING FOR YOU &
YOUR CHILDREN on these BIG issues? ###
JOIN 80-20. The dues you pay are returned to you many times
more worthwhile.
Using a credit card, visit (easy to use) or
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu Director of Projects
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the BACK of the
check. Life membership is $1,000; Family (2 voters) is $50; Basic
Membership is $35; Student membership is $15. THANK YOU.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo
President for the LAST TIME (ending 12/31/06), 80-20 PAC
We welcome
Family Life Members ($1,500): Christine Mei and Paul Tung,
William and Bernadette Shih.
Life Members ($1,000): Benjamin Han, Amy Wong Mok,
Soo Tang Tan, David Wang, Po-Zen Wong
Professional Family ($150): James and Constance Chen,
Larry Z. Shen & Sally L. Wu, Diyang Wang & Zhengtian Lu,
H. Vernon Wong,Pai-Ling & Chih-An Yin,
Professional ($75): Fel Anthony Amistad, William C. Hsiao,
Steven C. Lee
We Gratefully Acknowledge Contributions From:
James Y. M. Wu, $1,000;
Jack Qian, $285; David and Audrey Chai, $200;
Yi-Hsin Chen and Daniel Brand, $100; Heng Lao, $100;
William L. and Marion W. Pak, $100; Linda Yu, $100.