Monday, December 15, 2008

Why so few AsAm College Presidents?

The following is from 80-20's newest Board Member, Roy Saigo, who has just retired as the President of St. Cloud Univ., the largest of the Minnesota state colleges. On 9/28/08, he published an article in "The Chronicle Of Higher Education" entitled:

Why There Still Aren't Enough Asian-American College Presidents

Roy's first paragraphs was:
"At age 5, my grandson understood fair play. If he didn't get his turn, he'd cry, "No fair!" As caring s, we intercede when we see children ignore or gang up on another child -- we tell them, "No fair!"

In between Roy's gave us these facts:

In 2005, the proportion of Asian Pacific Islander professors in the United States who held full-time positions was 7.6 percent. In comparison, a 2006 survey by the American Council on Education showed that only 0.9% of the president's job is held by Asian Americans.

In the fall of 2007, 18.3 percent of California State's undergraduate students identified themselves as being of Asian/Filipino/Pacific Island ethnicity. In the California State University system in the fall of 2006, 13.8 percent of the faculty was identified as Asians. So where are the
provosts and academic vice presidents?

Roy's last paragraphs was:
"The issue I have raised needs more than task forces, surveys, and recommendations -- there have been plenty of those over the years. There must be actions that can be monitored for quantifiable results. I hope someone won't have to write this commentary again in 10 years. Fair?"

Now, 80-20 asks, "Who or which organization do you think will be taking action on this matter?" As usual, 80-20 will be there!

Aren't you glad that some one like Roy Saigo is on 80-20's Board? The good news is that other NEW Board members are just as good & exiciting!

On a related front, if YOU want to see results in the real world, then search your heart and answer this question:

Did 80-20 do a good job in using the 2008 election to advance the interest of our community? If you are NOT a dues-paying member yet, please help back.

We need 40 more NEW members to make the goal of 1,600 members in 2008. If you join today, your membership counts toward 2008 AND 2009. To join, visit Fair?

Respectfully yours,

S.B. Woo
Acting (volunteer) Exec. Director for 80-20 PAC, Inc.