Thursday, November 08, 2007

You are the David who will Beat Goliath

This artice was written by S. B. Woo
Immediate Past President of 80-20 PAC, Inc.

All presidential candidates yearn to win in Iowa and New Hampshire
primaries. Why? Because these victories give the winner(s) a great
momentum to become the next president of the USA.

Therefore, if we are to win equal opportunity through the 2008 election,
we must find a way to either reward or punish those candidates in the
Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. When we possess that ability, each of
the presidential candidates will give us iron-clad commitment to help us
win equal opportunity in workplaces.

Hence we need the email addresses of Asian Ams in those 2 states. in
order to get them to vote our interest. Then the presidential candidates
will take our rightful interests seriously. Please look up your address
. and send me their names and email addresses. 80-20 uses
the e-addresses for 80-20 business only!

Counting on you! We'll overcome, when everyone will help.

You are the David who will beat Goliath. The email addresses you'll
send to will be the slingshot. The
presidential candidates presidential candidates who ignore Asian Ams
concerns are the Goliaths. Our children's destiny brightens when you
join the rank of DAVID. DO IT NOW please.

One day, 80-20 will have tens of thousands of AsAm e-addresses from
those 2 states -- powerful tools to win our equal opportunity.