Tuesday, June 18, 2002

For Dues-Paying Members Only

Dear Dues-Paying Members: If your name is shown below, it implies that 80-20 still doesn't have your e-mail address to send you a ballot to vote in 80-20's internal election in Oct. Your having received this e-mails from us does NOT imply that we have identified your name to your e-mail address. 80- 20 simply has a list of 430,000 e-mail addresses WITHOUT names.

PLEASE look at the list below of about 100 names, arranged in alphabetical order. If you find your name there, please e-mail changjc@pacbell.net with 1) your name, 2) your e-mail address, & 3) your postal address which is for verification purposes only.

Even supposing your name is not there, we encourage you to go to our membership list shown in:

If you find a symbol next to your name (*, # , % or !), it means 80-20 still needs some information from you in order for you to enjoy YOUR FULL RIGHTS as a member. For example, 80-20 must be given two names before a family membership gets TWO votes. The meaning of each symbol is explained on the web site. Thank you.