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What You Heard From Here About the NRA
"Today, let me tell you why the National Rifle Association, NRA, is politically so powerful. I don't agree with the principles of the NRA much, but we need to learn why it is politically so powerful.
The NRA has members who will go out of their way to contact political candidates, urging them to support the NRA or lose their votes. The NAACP uses the same tactics. It works very well for them. So should we learn from them for self-protection?
PROOF of What You Heard About the NRA
Before the ink of my e-newsletter has dried, so to speak, the following eloquent Post came in from an AsAm NRA member. To also see my reply, click on Post .
"Dear President/Governor S.B Woo,
I admire you and what you have done and still do for the Asian American community. But I do not agree with you how you put your personal feeling/
disagreement against the principles of the NRA in this email solicitation.
Asian community is a very diverse community with all different kinds of sub-cultures and beliefs. I am quite sure there are plenty NRA members and supporters in this community (I am one myself and I personally know a whole bunch other Asian NRA members, certified instructors and supporters.). I also happen to believe one of the reasons that Asians are considered weak has something to do with a lot of us don't arm or don't know how to arm ourselves, literally, not just politically. Koreans do a lot better than other groups of Asians, so they fared much better in LA riots in the 90's. Sorry for the digression here. Your sideswipe of NRA in the email could alienate a subgroup of 80-20 supporters, or at least puts a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth, and certainly would not help with the cause of summoning all the political support the community needs. This is just my humble personal opinion.
Again, thank you for your decades of tireless work for the community. Respectfully,
Joe Pang"
How You Must Arm Yourselves politically NOW.
Speak up and urge the presidential candidate to reply to 80-20's questionnaire. For AsAms in Iowa and NH, please seize the golden opportunity. Presidential candidates are swarming around you. They are seeking your vote. Tell them that they can get your vote, if and only if they share our community's concerns and reply to 80-20's questionnaire.
Please also tell them that they can reply to the questionnaire either through 80-20 Educational Foundation, EF, which is a 501 c3 organization, or via the 80-20 SuperPAC. Most candidates will choose to interact with EF, whose cover letter and questionnaire can be obtained via https://conta.cc/38HzDqe and https://conta.cc/3aKMgTd respectively.
Talk to candidates now, when they are courting your vote. Don't wait till an anti-Chinese tide forms. They will not listen then. Does that make sense to you?
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 20 years
80-20 SuperPAC,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)