80-20's 7th Best Accomplishment
If 80-20 didn't exist, how might your life be different?
Remember when racist attacks against Asian Am. candidates were
common? Did you feel safe in an environment with attacks against
Asian Americans airing on TV, radio, or in newspapers all the time?
Remember the Daisy Ad? (See 80-20's 10th Achievement from 3/24/11.)
Without 80-20, not only would there be a lot fewer successful Asian
Am. office holders, but all Asian Am.'s will suffer from facing racist
attacks in the media constantly.
Racist attacks are mounted in an election campaign, because they
are effective! Only when no one dares to amount such attacks, for
fear of reprisal by 80-20 PAC, will AsAm candidates have equal chance to
succeed. That is Group Political clout!
Why is 80-20 PAC so effective? Exaggeration?
While the candidates who mount such attacks are the apparent bad
guys, 80-20 has the unique political knowledge to know that such attacks
are normally designed by the political consultants.
The political consultants want a good win-loss record to further their
future business. Hence, the hypocritical ones often tempt candidates to
mount such an attack against an Asian Am. whose community is known
to be meek. The consultants ease their conscience by saying the
following to their candidate-clients, "We only advise you how to win.
You decide whether it is the right or wrong thing to do." Often, the
candidates can't resist the temptation; the vile deeds would be conceived
and delivered.
Normally, the vile candidate and consultant count on the fact that
once the election is over, all is forgotten. 80-20 knows that to stop such
attacks for good, it must hold both accountable and haunt them forever
for their vile deeds -- till the candidate is defeated and till the consultant
will be driven out of the consultant business.
In terms of political effectiveness, there is a big difference between
a PAC like 80-20 and Asian Am. office holders e.g. senators, congress-
persons, and governors. The office holders don't dare touch the tough issues
because they fear the repercussions in their next elections, although they
have much resources under their command. Only a political action
committee dares to tackle the REALLY TOUGH ISSUES, because a PAC
doesn't face a re-election in the mainstream society.
80-20's top accomplishments are examples of tough issues that it dared
to tackle while Asian Am elected officials remained silent. That is
not the fault of AsAm elected officials. That is the nature of American
election politics -- there are issues that only a PAC dares to tackle.
The Asian Am. community must have the wisdom and generosity to support
both office holders, who are important to us in the long term, and at least
one well-funded national PAC.
We await
YOUR verdict for 80-20 PAC to
either DOUBLE or DIE on March 21, 2013.
To join or donate, go http://www.80-20initiative.net or send your check
to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229.
Respectfully yours,
A volunteer