Monday, September 23, 2002

Update on 80-20's Political Actions

80-20's modus operanti is to reward politicians who share APAs' rightful concerns and punish those who don't. Since its inception, it has shown its effectiveness in many ways, including non-political events such as asking Abercrombie and Finch to withdraw its offensive t-shirts, and expressing our displeasure at Seattle Time's headlines on Michelle Kwan. For a complete account, see

Here is a report updating 80-20's effectiveness in political matters.

(a) At its inception, 80-20 sent in writing to both political parties, its aspiration to see an APA appointed to a cabinet office. That request has been honored by both President Clinton, a Democrat, and President Bush, a Republican.

(b) Since its inception, 80-20 has issued only one DIRECT political demand. It demanded that the Republican party withdraw an infamous "Daisy" TV ad. It was done the next day.

(c) Since its inception, 80-20 has endorsed only one candidate -- Gore. Although Gore didn't win, 80-20 delivered "more than 2 out of every 3 APA votes to Gore," according to a formal national poll, partially funded by the Nat'l Science Foundation. 80-20's success in delievering a bloc vote is now written up in not only articles but also a book "Click to Democracy: The Power of the Internet to Change Political Apathy into Action," which discusses how the CNN polls also show 80-20's success. This book is now available through: ref%3D=sr%5F11%5F0%5F1/103-1079944-2047015

(d) Since its inception, 80-20 has only censured two politicians. One was Congressman Christopher Cox , a Republican, who chaired the infamous "Cox Committee Report." The other was Ralph Appezzato, Mayor of Alameda, who made a racist attack on an APS candidate Alice Lai-Bitker in a party primary for supervisor in Alameda County.
Since our censure of Mr. Cox, he has(a) hired a person to handle public relations for him with the APA community, and (b) approached C-100, a well-known Ch. Am. organization, and asked for a meeting.

Mr. Ralph Appezzato, who was to be in a run-off with Bitker, unfortunately committed suicide on 9/16/02. While 80-20 censured Mr. Appezzato for his racist politics, and obviously meant to put pressure on him, it never intended to wish him ill in a personal sense. He was known to have prostate cancer. 80-20 shares the grief of his family.

What does all that prove? UNITY IS POWER.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Easiest Way to Register

The November election will be here soon. Two types of persons need to
register: (1) those who've never registered, and (2) having registered
but have moved to a new address.
Don't waste your political power. When we VOTE AS A BLOC, every
vote makes our voice louder!

Here is the EASIEST WAY to register to vote! It will be the most
meaningful 10 minutes you'll spend in your life for your offspring.

Step-by-step instructions are given to help NEW IMMIGRANTS & people
who have NEVER registered before. All you need is your computer, a
printer and the adobe Acrobat software. If you don't have that
software, you will be given instructions to download it.

Just GO TO:
(If the letters appear in blue, put your cursor on it and click once.
You'll be on page 1. If the letters have the same color as the text, then
copy and paste them to your browser. Hit return, you'll be on page 1.)

On page 1, you download adobe acrobat, if you don't already
have it. Then go to either the map or the pull-down window to
select your state. Click the "GO" button to go to page 2.

On page 2, fill out the form. Click once on each of the red colored
(see instructions) to help you fill out the correct information. For "Choice
of Party," your choice is Democrat, or Independent or Republican. If you
want to vote in the primary, you must choose either Dem. or Rep. After all
blanks have been filled. Go to the bottom of the page to click on the
"Preview My Voter Registration" to go to another page.

On page 3, you proofread the information, then click "Get My
Application" at the bottom of the page.

On page 4, follow the 4 simple steps and mail out your application form.

Upon receiving your application, your state will mail you a voter registra-
tion card. YOU NEED TO FILL THAT OUT AND MAIL IT IN. Then you are
registered. Note that registering to vote is ALWAYS A TWO-STEP PROCESS.


BE A REGISTERED VOTER!!! Be one for your children's and grand-
children's sake.

Friday, September 13, 2002

News on 80-20's Election

Nineteen candidates will be running in 80-20's Oct. election. To view those candidates' names, bios and statements, please visit The 19 are certainly the most willing to serve. They may well be among our best and brightest.

To encourage participation in its election, 80-20 tried hard to encourage female and non-Chinese American candidates. In addition, 80-20 will pose the following header on its web page where voting occurs:

"As you vote, please beware that diversity in ethnic background, gender and geographic distribution in 80-20's leadership will likely make 80-20 stronger. Please also note that 40% of Asian Americans reside in California, and that California is the state where our votes could make the largest impact on the outcome of presidential elections. "

Ms. Ying Yang, a volunteer Web Master residing in Los Angels, has made steady improvement to our web site. Go visit and see it for yourself!

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Is your name on this list?
The following persons have paid membership dues, but have NOT updated their e-mail addresses with us. As a result, they will NOT be able to vote electronically in 80-20's upcoming election.
Please look through the list to see if your name and/or your friends' names are on it. If yes, send the updated e-mail address to Your help will be much appreciated.

Adam, G. and Marie
Chen, Chao W.
Chen, Jerome C. and Elaine I
Cheng, Chai-Yuh and Edmond
Cheung, Mars and Suk C
Friedman, Morton L.
Guo, Shengbei and Tong W.
Hu, John
Lee, Chuan-Shue and Catherine H. W.
Lee, Richard H C
Lee, Yuen F.
Leung, Kenneth and Jane
Li, Wai Chiu Richard  and Wang, Christine
Mah, George
Moy, Dave
Pai, Fei-Lin
Qi, Ming
Shen, Larry Z.  and Wu, Sally L.
Shu, Yonghui
Tatsuguchi, Isamu and Barbara
Tong, Kelvin Wai Shing
Toy, Andrew and Patricia Risoli
Trinh, Thanh
Tsai, Ming-Yea C. and Jim
Tung, Paul P. and Christine Chiang-Ying Mei
Wan, Julia C. and Frederic
Wen, Wu-Wey and Agnes
Wong, David
Wong, Tony
Wong, Walter K. T. and Anna Moy
Yao, Maxwell
Yu, Elaine
Zhang, Barry and Bonnie Liao
Zhou, Wen