Friday, August 29, 2008

Ready to vote for Obama?‏

"This election is not about me. It is about YOU." -- Obama in his acceptance speech.

YOU will benefit greatly when the Obama/Biden team is elected, owing to the iron-clad promises made to Asian Americans by both. See below.

YOU will benefit greatly, because America needs change and Obama has set out a superb program about how to change.

What a substantive speech Obama made!

Obama emphasized education to get America's jobs back instead of blaming China. To get our economy moving again, he promised to cut taxes for 95% of all working families instead of cutting taxes for the rich. To regain America's prestige he will work with Biden to pursue forceful diplomacy instead of unilateralism backed by America's military muscles.

Indeed, this election is NOT about Obama or McCan. This election is about YOU!

So take a good look at the signed commitments to YOU by Obama and Biden. When they are elected, will YOU benefit?

Ponder for a moment, if America needs change. Will such changes benefit America and YOU?

Are you ready to vote for Obama/Biden? If not, please email me. I want to understand your reservations.

Countless Asian Ams working through 80-20 have labored for YOU for the last 10 years. They have shed sweat, tears, and blood to create the current opportunity for YOU. Unite and seize this historic opportunity together by electing Obama/Biden! We will then have fulfilled our historic responsibility to our children.

Visit Donate $5 to Obama/Biden.

Most sincerely yours,

S. B. Woo
Member, Executive Committee 80-20 PAC, Inc.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Biden, A Delawarean, Is Obama's V.P. Choice

Good news! Sen. Joseph Biden, a Delawarean who as a presidential candidates was among the first to reply to 80-20's questionnaire with all yeses, is now Sen. Obama's running mate. To see Biden's signed iron- clad commitment to us, click on

Ponder for a moment its implication: Both the President and the Vice President of this nation will be unequivocally committed to give Asian Americans equal opportunity in workplaces and equal justice, provided we help elect them on Nov. 4th.

I know Sen. Biden well*, beng once a Lieutenant Governor of Delaware. Indeed, my wife, Katy, used to manage Sen. Biden's home district office. We have both been to his home many times. We know Biden as a person who cares deeply for equal justice, and equal opportunity for all Americans.

What a team that is. Obama has the leadership; Biden has the experience. Obama wants to see change; Biden has the know how to forge that change in Congress, having been a senator for 36 years. Obama wants to unite our nation; Biden is recognized as having chaired the least partisan committee of the Senate -- the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Don't let this historic opportunity slip by. Asian Americans have NEVER had a brighter prospect to become equal citizens of America.

Do your share to elect them! Pass the word.

Respectfully yours,

S. B. Woo
Member, Executive Committee, 80-20 PAC, Inc.

*If you'll do your share now, I'll do my best to make sure that the commitments are fulfilled as soon as possible. Asian Ams. have helplessly let our children down in the past. Don't let this opportunity pass!

History has taught us that a Harvard/Yale law degree won't get an Asian Am. the equal opportunity to be appointed a Federal judge. It takes the political process to win equal opportunity for minorities. 80-20 is leading the way.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

CALL TO ACTION -- Help Obama!‏

Call To Action -- Help Senator Obama win!

Do you expect Sen. Obama to fulfill his commitments to us? Of course, you do.

Take a careful look at his commitments to you, shown below. They are humongous & unprecedented commitments, with immense positive implication for you and your children.

Commitment is a two-way street, however. We must help back. Help Obama to help ourselves.

80-20 is planning many actions to help him. The first is to help him raise $5 from at least 5,000 Asian American donors within one week. It'll compare well to Obama's proud record of receiving 1,000,000 small donations in one year nationally. Divide 1,000,000 by 20 (we are 5% of the total population) and 52 (52 weeks in 1 year), it comes to 1000 small donors per week.

Please donate $5 to Sen. Obama now at All US citizens and permanent residents of any age may do so. Don't get children under 10 involved. Each $5 contribution must have a name & an address. 80-20 is bundling the money to pass on to Obama. z

Get your family & friends to participate please. With your great help, we could get up to 15,000 donors in one week. It'll be a magnificent demonstration of our UNITY & participation in the affairs of this great nation. An opportunity like this to demonstrate our cohesiveness doesn't come often. Step up to the challenge, Asian Americans!

Save this signed Obama letter to show your grandchildren for your part in Asian Am. history. If you don't see the letter above this line, please click on

Our next Call to Acton will be to help Obama win 3 to 6 battle ground states. The margins of difference between Obama and McCan in those states are so small that a 4 to 1 bloc vote for Obama by the SMALL Asian Ams population in those states will deliver their electoral college votes to Obama.

Contribution $5 NOW please! Go


Awaiting your $5.00 for our children's sake,

S. B. Woo
Founding President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

80-20 Endorses Sen. Obama for President

80-20 Endorsed Sen. Obama for President. Its Endorsement Convention was attended by 33 Delegates and 3 Alternates, 1/3 Republicans, 1/3 Democrats, and 1/3 (Independents/Declines) on 8/2/08 in Foster City, CA.

Delegates were so enthused about the quality and the sense of FAIRNESS and UNITY of the Convention that 2 couples each donated $10,000 to 80-20, without ANY prompting from 80-20. They are
Peter and Grace Wang, and
Charles and Lynn Zhang.

Indeed 3 of those 4 generous donors are Republicans, illustrating the fantastic spirit of unity at the Convention.

Why Obama? For two reasons.

First, Sen. Obama committed unequivocally to give Asian Americans equal opportunity, while Sen. McCain did not. See Sen. Obama's signed commitment below:

Second, Sen. Obama's party did more deeds for Asian Americans in the last 4 years. On Oct. 25, 2006, the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, wrote to the President of 80-20, promising to work with 80-20 to encourage Congress to hold a public hearing on the glass ceiling over Asian Americans in workplaces. After the Democrats gained control of the House and the Senate, the legislation sponsored by Congressman David Wu (D), was finally passed by Congress, giving underserved Asian American students the same educational assistance long available to other minority groups -- a historic first. Democrats sponsored immigration bills favoring family reunion, and legislations with stiff penalty for hate crimes. All of the above areas are important to the Asian American community.

For photos about 80-20's Convention, go
For details about the Convention, see a mainstream media article entitled: "Largest Asian-American PAC Endorses Obama." Go
The Huffington Post is like the New York Times in WEB news. 80-20 was honored to be covered by the Huffington Post, and by many Chinese and Korean print and web media including Sino Web, 1 radio station, 1 mainstream TV & 3 ethnic TV stations during the Convention.

Words are cheap. Endorsement is a set of words. To make sure that we can cash in on Sen. Obama's iron-clad commitments to us, we must help him win the election above & beyond words. In the next newsletters, we'll suggest WHAT YOU CAN DO to help Obama AND our community win.

For now, please go visit the sites and spread the word. THANK YOU.

Respectfully yours,

S.B. Woo
Member, Exec. Comm., 80-20 PAC, Inc.