Monday, June 29, 2009

More Profs/Profnl's Spoke Up

A supporter emailed 80-20 relating his court experience, ". . . not always focused on the discrimination as such but on esoteric you need to point out that the legal challenges are personal issues which have nothing to do with the case."

He continued, "The companies play dirty and are nothing like the ethical, honorable companies that they represent themselves to be. It is about war and the only thing is winning for the company and their legal team. The companies have the upper hand. They have unlimited resources to throw at the case. They can unleash 10 or more lawyers and other people (investigators) on the case and you have one or two attorneys on contingency with limited money in the bank and 20 other cases to work on. . . . .H. Lum"

Want to go through that gauntlet? 80-20 offers a choice. Read below.


Time WAS when the only way Asian Ams can fight back, when we have suffered the most blatant discrimination in our workplaces, was to go to court. But everyone knows that going to court is
1) time consuming,
2) money consuming, and
3) extremely humiliating, when your employer's lawyers will dig up anything you've ever done that APPEARS wrong to muddle the case, and make you seem the most incompetent/irresponsible employee in the entire company.

For most Asian Ams., it is like NO RECOURSE at all.

Time IS that 80-20 strategically perceived that the accumulated suffering of numerous Asian Ams had resulted in
1) irrefutable statistical evidence of the glass ceiling,
2) which can be shattered easily and painlessly by the enforcement of Exec. Order 11246, done for all Americans except for us, and
3) has already obtained President Obama's promise to enforce Exec. Order 11246 for us.

The enforcement of E.O. 11246 is based on STATISTICAL evidence. The Labor Dept. would write a university/industry asking why are there so few Asian Am. managers but so many workers? It'll ask for a written plan with specific goals to remedy the situation next year, OR have all its federal contracts terminated. It worked like magic for blacks/women/Hispanics in the past. So it should work for us.

So sacrifice* $35/$50 or more to join 80-20, because 80-20 offers you a faster and much less painful way to become EQUAL CITIZENS. Be cool. Be a pioneer. Be on the frontier ad 51d vancing our rightful interests.

Using a credit card, go . Or send your check to 80-20 PAC, PO Box 22509, Philadelphia, PA 19110. We love NEW members, since there is a matching fund for new members.

Best Regards,

S.B. Woo
Acting Exec. Director (a volunteer), 80-20PAC. Inc.

*The Asian Am community used to pay attention to Asian Ams with impressive government titles ONLY, whether they've helped or hurt our community. However, we are politically more mature now. We now value deeds. Although I don't deserve the honor, Asianweek, for one day, named me, "Chinese American hero: S. B. Woo" 
 If interested, visit

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