Friday, April 18, 2003

Be Vigilant On Spy/SARS Related Reports

Two recent events require our vigilance. If we are to overcome,
80-20 needs YOUR help.

An authority on Asian Am. affairs, Don T. Nakanishi, Director of
Asian American Studies Center, UCLA, e-mailed 80-20 asking: "What is
80-20 doing with SARS?... I think there is a potential for some very
ugly stereotyping, hate crimes, and loss of civil liberties like
unnecessary quarantining."

Alleged Chinese Double Agent:
Katrina Leung a successful business woman in Los Angeles, was
accused and arrested as an Chinese double agent. See Newsweek,
Periscope, 4/21/03 issue. 80-20 takes no stance on her guilt or
innocence. However, 80-20 will try to ensure that the image of our
community is NOT tainted by the possible misdeeds of one or two

For biased media reports relating to SARS/spy that insinuate
Asians are more subject to SARS or cast doubts on the loyalty on all
Chinese Americans or make similar groundless statements placing our
community's interest in jeopardy, please

(1) tape the broadcast or cut out the article and send it to Jing Li Yu
(address shown below),
(2) relate what you've taped or cut out to 80-20 via ,
(3) call or write to the careless/biased media outlet YOURSELF and
copy 80-20 in, and
(4) 80-20 will follow up on such media reports that are substantiated
by a tape or an article.

Biased reports must be nipped in the bud, although 80-20 believes
that such reports are less likely today. After the W.H. Lee episode,
many APA organizations have worked to raise the conscience of the
mainstream media. Such efforts include 80-20's annual effort via
radio, tv, newspaper ads and mass-emails urging the entire APA
community to display flags on July 4th, and right after 9/11. 80-20
believes that eliminating our "foreigners" and/or disloyal image is
critical to our winning equal opportunity and justice.

Thank you for being vigilant. TOGETHER, we shall overcome.

Please DO YOUR SHARE. Basic (1 vote) -- $35 ; Family (2 names to
get 2 votes) -- $50 ; Life -- $1000 (name on permanent display).

Any US citizen or permanent resident can be a member using a
credit card, go or .
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu
80-20 special Assistant
43-34 Union St., Apt. 6-d
Flushing, NY 11355--7042
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. in the BACK of the
check. Thank you.

UPDATE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS with 80-20, when anticipating a change.