Two days after 80-20 e-mail YOU and its other 410,000 supporters,
regarding Seattle Times' hurtful headline: "American outshines Kwan...",
Seattle Times issued its SECOND apology. It was drastically different in content, tone, style and length from its first apology.Please circulate Mr. Fancher's article to our Caucasian friends, because
it will help to prevent the recurrence of similar events. A few excerpts
from his article follow:"Times Won't Forget Readers' Reminder on Kwan
By Mike Fancher, Executive Editor"Some of us at The Seattle Times can remember our disbelief
four years ago when an Internet news site carried a headline implying that
Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan isn't an American.Disbelief turned to deep embarrassment when we did the same this year.
"Hughes as good as gold,"..... The secondary headline said,
"American outshines Kwan, Slutskaya in skating surprise," ...Readers were quick to respond with comments like:"Does the fact that Hughes happens to be Caucasian make her any
more 'American' than Kwan?" ....It's a message we won't forget. ......"
For the complete article:
It's a wonderful article. Its beginning reads like a direct reply
to 80-20's e-mail:"After the 1998 Winter Olympics figure skating finals, MSNBC headlined:
"American beats out Kwan." .... Just a few days ago, an almost IDENTICAL
headline appeared. ..."Seattle Times' FIRST apology was issued on 02/23. It was entitled:
"An Apology":"A headline in yesterday's Sports section, written quickly
on deadline, offended many readers, and for that we apologize. The headline on our lead story about the gold-medal skating performance of Sarah Hughes was in two parts: a main headline, "Hughes good as gold" and a secondary headline, "American outshines Kwan, Slutskaya in skating surprise". Readers called to complain that the secondary headline implied that Michelle Kwan was not an American. While that was not intended--the writer was attempting to find another word for "Hughes" in order not to repeat her name in the second head--we apologize for any misunderstanding."
80-20 wants to take this opportunity to compliment the efforts of many
organizations including OCA (Seattle chapter), AAJA, Chung Wa Benevolent
Association, and many individuals including member of 80-20. They
knew about the headline before 80-20 and did much of the earlier spadework.
80-20 salutes them.TOGETHER, we shall overcome.
80-20 fights for YOU. Help us grew even stronger. There
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6. Honorary Family** (couples only, 2 votes) -- $10,000
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3780 Keystone Ave.
Suite 106
Los Angeles, CA 90034-6363
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