vote to secure our rightful interests. 80-20 has repeatedly demonstrated
that successful strategy -- politics the American way.
For the California Primary on June 8th, 80-20 endorses the following:
(A) For the Democratic US Senate Primary: Barbara Boxer!
She has served our community well, including recommending Asian Am.
federal judges to Pres. Obama.
(B) For the Democratic Attorney General Primary: Ted Lieu!
He is a good public servant for CA and the Asian Am. community.
(C) for the Republican US Senate Primary: Tom Campbell !
This is a significant breakthrough for YOU through 80-20. This is
the first time that a leading Republican candidate running for a high office
has replied to 80-20's questionnaire. Is the GOP door now open to Asian Ams?
Tom Campbell made solid commitments to YOU through his answers
to 80-20's questionnaire
Q1: If elected, will you urge the Labor Department to focus on
enforcing Executive Order 11246 on behalf of Asian American . . . ?
Campbell's answer: Yes.
Q2: If elected, will you vote for the Senate confirmation of Goodwin
Liu who has been nominated as an Appeals Court Judge
in the 9th Circuit? Yes.
Q3: If elected, will you emphasize admitting more highly skilled
workers, in any Immigration Reform Bill that arrives before the full
Senate? Yes.
Q4: If elected, will you work with us, regarding a Hate Crime
provision dealing specifically with the kind of violence against
Asian Ams. in big cities like San Francisco, Oakland and
Philadelphia? Yes
To see Campbell's signed commitments, click on
Q2 and Q4 are important questions -- areas where Asian Ams will need bi-
partisan support. Campbell, if elected, could cast the 60th vote to confirm
Goodwin Liu.
JOIN 80-20, it is so effective. It achieves results beyond what most would
expect. Go to http://www.80-20initiative.
Or send your check to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229 .
Please place your email address at the back of your check. Student dues: $15.
Family dues: $50, Life Members: $1,000, and Honorary Family Members: $10,000.
Each Life Member will receive a historic "Framed Obama Commitment
to Asian Americans." Visit
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo, Acting Exec. Director (a volunteer), 80-20 PAC, Inc.