1) You are not back in your "old country" any more. There you
belong to the majority & no one discriminates against you. In America
you are the minority. Many of your fellow countrymen consider
you a foreigner. Records, historic & current, show that you are
being discriminated against in workplaces.
2) You need GROUP political clout to protect you. 80-20 is not only the
oldest & largest AsAm political org. but also the most effective. Do
you know another such organization?
3) 80-20 is a community creation, entirely supported and funded by
people like you & me. You need to protect this organization called
80-20 where the important work of protecting your rights happens.
4) Imagine an America in which every Asian-American enjoys
equal opportunities and justice and stands proudly among all
Need NEW members! To find out if you are a member, check
If NOT a member, please consider joining if you can afford the $35 or $50
annual dues. If you are already a member, please help recruit. To JOIN
Or send your check to 80-20 PAC P.O. Box 603 Osprey, FL 34229 .
Do your share!
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo,
Acting Exec. Director (a volunteer), 80-30 PAC Inc.