Monday, June 20, 2005

July 4th & 80-20's "Sea of Flags" Project

######### ANNOUNCEMENT: Acknowledging the generosity of

1) James Cheung of LA: $5,000 2) Bipin R. Parekh of Charlotte: $5,000
3) Mark Le of NC: $1,250, 4) Kathleen To of TX: $1,050
5) Dongzi Liu of CA: $1035 6) Dr. Ki-hyun Chun of Charlotte: $1,000
7) Alec Y. Chang of CA: $500 #########

NON-Asian Americans think that Asian Americans (AsAms) are more loyal
to our respective "old countries" than the USA. See evidence at .

So long as that is the case, we are UNLIKELY to win
1) equal opportunity in workplaces, and
2) equal justice.

That is one reason 80-20 urges you to DISPLAY A FLAG in
front of your homes & businesses on July 4th.

To see how popular 80-20's flags project is, visit . You'll find
o where to buy a flag,
o how to organize a BIG "Sea of Flags" project in your community,
o how much publicity came from mainstream and ethnic media, &
more will come if you organize your community project,
o what are the contents of 80-20's radio ads in Korean, Vietnamese, &
Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin). Such ads are broadcast in
many big cities, especially those in CA, thanks to your dues.

Besides being pragmatic, there are REAL REASONS for
celebrating July 4th -- THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY IN USA:

o You can make money any way you want, provided it is legal, &
spend it any way you want.
o You can take any political position including criticizing Pres. Bush,
as 80-20 did for his non-enforcement of Executive Order 11246 for
o You can choose to leave USA if you want; stay if you want.
o You can practice any religion you want, including being a Buddhist or an atheist

So let's hoist a flag to celebrate the birth of a GREAT NATION.

HOWEVER, America is not perfect. AsAms don't yet enjoy
1) EQUAL JUSTICE -- recall Wen Ho Lee and Captain James Yee
2) EQUAL OPPORTUNITY in workplaces, on which 80-20 has shocking data to share with you, after July 4th is over.

Join 80-20. It is EFFECTIVE & ALWAYS FOCUSED on the most important
issues facing AsAms. Any US citizen or P.R. may join.
Using a credit card, visit (easy to use) or (Paypal) PERSONAL checks are
payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu 80-20 special Assistant
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the BACK of the check. Basic membership is $35; Family (2 voters) is $50, Life Membership is $1,000. Student membership is $15.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Great Battles You've Won

There is EXCITEMENT, FUN, SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT & PRIDE in being a part of 80-20. Why? Because we fought & won great battles together.

Do you remember YOUR EXCITEMENT, whenever you received a "CALL TO ACTION" email from 80-20 laying out a battle plan whose victory depended primarily on YOUR PARTICIPATION?

Do you remember YOUR FUN, whenever you followed the battle plans & sent email/fax/call in YOUR OWN WORDS & WITH YOUR OWN TWISTS to help turn the battle in our favor?

Do you remember YOUR SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT, when YOUR ACTION helped achieve victories one after another?

Let us count OUR VICTORIES, whether won in conjunction with other AsAm orgs. or in solo:

o General Wesley Clark & TNT broadcaster Steve Kerr called 80-20 Pres. S. B. Woo at his home to apologize for referring respectively to Chinese and Yao Ming as "Chinaman," & asked 80-20 to convey their apologies to the entire AsAm community,
o Abercrombie & Fitch C.O.O. Seth Johnson called S. B. Woo at his home to relate its decision to withdraw its 4 new lines of T-shirts that denigrated AsAms, within 4 hours of a suggestion by 80-20,
o The Nat'l Republican Comm. withdrew, within 24 hours, a TV ad that showed the USA being nuked by China. 80-20 was the ONLY AsAm org. that spoke up & demanded the ad's withdrawal.
o Acting alone again, 80-20 got 8 Democratic president candidates including Kerry & Edwards to answer YES/YES/YES in writing to promise enforcement of Executive Order 11246 to ensure equal opportunity in workplaces for AsAms, should they be elected.
o During the SARS hysteria, a NJ school district apologized and took other compensatory actions for turning AsAm teachers away from contracted work for fear of SARS, two days after S. B. Woo negotiated by phone with the school superintendent.
o After weeks of resistance to give satisfactory apologies, Seattle Times and 101.5FM of NJ gave satisfactory apologies 3 days after 80-20 joined other sister organizations in protests.
o 80-20 delivered two bloc votes in the last two presidential elections to the candidates it endorsed. More than any of the above, those bloc votes gave us the political clout that WILL WIN for us:

(1) Federal government enforcement of Executive Order 11246, &
(2) an Asian American Supreme Court Justice.

For a complete account of OUR VICTORIES, visit .

Do you remember YOUR PRIDE? When you know that YOU PAID THE MEMBERSHIP DUES that sustained 80-20 to win those battle together!!!

If you are NOT yet a member, JOIN 80-20 now. We know that you are NOT a freeloader.

1. Honorary Family Life** (2 votes) -- $10,000
2. Honorary Life** -- $5,000
3. Family life** (2 votes) -- $1,500
4. Life** -- $1000
5. Family (for couples only, 2 votes) -- $50
6. Basic (1 vote) -- $35
7. Student -- $15
** Members' names on permanent display on 80-20's web site. See .

Using a credit card, visit (easy) or
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu 80-20 special Assistant
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the BACK of the check.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Serving YOU!

ANNOUNCEMENT: 80-20 has appointed 2 National Merit
Scholars to "Chancellor Chang-lin Tien Summer
Internship." They will both help recruit 80-20 members,
cutting their political teech in the real world of their own
community. Yvon Wang studies at Princeton and Jenny
Jiang at UC, Berkeley. They are role models -- serving their
own community to win equal opportunity & justice.

- - - - - - - -

Can you face your children, if the following radio
conversation about YOU occurs in your hometown? .

On 101.5 FM in NJ, the following conversation took place. Two
guys, Craig Carton and Ray Rossi, were spreading anti-AsAm sentiment
centered upon a Korean-Am political candidate running for office in
Edison, NJ. Result? A listener called in (capitalization our own):

"Caller: Hi, I love you
Carton: Thank you.
Caller: You just said it all, the last couple of...callers, I guess
they don't know that they live in America & WE'RE BEING OVERRUN.
I had just moved out of Edison because of what has happened in the
Caller: I..I moved out..36 years I've lived in Edison
Carton: And what was the biggest problem you had with the
Orientals and the Indians ?
Caller: I can't handle them! THERE'S NO AM. PEOPLE ANYMORE.
Carton: Eh..
Carton: It's like you're a foreigner in your own country isn't it?
Caller: You go to own store and you can't even see American people,
you don't see our own kids, American kids, working in stores anymore...
Carton: Like the next time you see an American, you think you'll
probably hug him or high five him or something?
Caller: Oh, that's why where I moved too, that's all I have, thank
God for now anyways.
VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, & ai appreciate your call.
Caller: Keep up the good work.
Carton: All right, you got it baby... I think the quote was DAMN

* See entire transcript:

The NJ AsAm leaders rose to the challenge.&nbs p; They organized a
Large & effective coalition including working with a NY coalition, &
providing the talk transcript and the names of the sponsors of the
radio program. Nevertheless after 4 weeks of negotiations, the
station still refused to get the two guys to apologize on air.

80-20 NATIONAL STEPPED IN at the invitation of the NJ Coalition.

80-20 targeted 3 of the radio programs' largest advertisers and
asked their CEOs to stop their ads. In 2 days, two of the three
advertisers responded positively. On the 3rd day, the "two guys"
agreed to apologize on air. In addition, the station manager
agreed to take 4 other measures to prevent future reccurence.

How will you face your children if this kind of talk blasts
away in your hometown radio stations? That is where 80-20
counts! It gets results. JOIN 80-20. Pay by credit card: (easy) (Paypal)
PERSONAL checks are payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu 80-20 special Assistant
P.O. Box 527340 Flushing, NY 11352-7340 .
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. on the BACK of the
check. Basic membership is $35; Family (2 voters) is $50, Life
Membership is $1,000. Student membership is $15. Thank you.

Better yet! Forward this email to your friends and relatives.
Proudly identify yourself as a member & ask them to join!