Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Important Reminder - CA Voter Registration Deadline

Important Reminder -
California Residents must register to Vote by January 15, 2008
By Joel Wong, 80-20 Board Member and California Resident

Asian Americans residing in California will play a VERY IMPORTANT ROLE and will exert a HUGE INFLUENCE on the rest of the country in the upcoming President Primary Election. This is because of the large percentage of Asian Americans residing in California and the early (February 5, 2008) Presidential Primary. 80-20 is reminding all Californians to register to vote by the January 15, 2008 deadline. We are also encouraging you to vote according to the guidelines of the 80-20 initiative.

If you have not already registered to vote please following the following guideline ASAP but no later than January 15, 2008.REGISTRATION DEADLINE:For The Next California Statewide Election (February 5, 2008) the Registration Deadline is January 22, 2008. A postmark on the 15th day prior to the election (January 22, 2008) is acceptable.

If you register between 29 and 15 days prior to the election you will be sent a sample ballot. Otherwise you will receive a post card giving your polling place location.

Voter registration is free. No postage is required to mail the voter registration application form to the County Elections Official (more information below).

You must:
* Be a United States citizen
* Be 18 years of age on or before the day of the election
* Be a resident of the State of California
* Not be in prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony
* Not judicially determined to be incompetent to vote.

You do not need to know how to read or write in English or any other language. No tests are given when you register to vote. Probationers may vote.

a) Fill out a Voter Registration Form Online
http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vr.htm. Complete the on-line form and a typed registration form will be sent to you. After you receive the pre-typed form, just sign it and mail it to your county election official.

Once you receive your form in the mail, which takes approximately 7 to 14 days, you must sign, date, and return it by mail to the county elections official on the return address side of the voter registration card. Please make sure all of the information is correct and drop it back in the mail.


b) Download and Mail a Voter Registration Form http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vr.htm.

Remember to sign it and MAIL it DIRECTLY to your COUNTY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS http://www.ss.ca.gov/elections/elections_d.htm.
* You can call a toll-free number and request that a form be mailed to you - in English (1-800-345-VOTE) or in Spanish (1-800-345-VOTA).* You can also pick up a form at Post Offices, public libraries, city halls or Department of Motor Vehicles offices.

YOUR RESIDENCE This statute refers to your "domicile" - the place where your family lives, where you physically reside, the place you intend to return to whenever you are gone from it, the address on your driver's license, where you claim your homeowner's property tax exemption or renter's tax credit. You can have only one domicile, even if you have more than one house or residence.

POLITICAL PARTIESA political party is a group of people who try to determine public policy and operate government by getting their candidates elected to office. Currently the following are your choices:

* American Independent Party
* Democratic Party
* Green Party
* Libertarian Party
* Natural Law Party
* Peace and Freedom
* Republican Party
* Independent - "Decline to State"

DECLINESCalifornia presently has a "Modified Closed Primary System". Unaffiliated ("decline to state") voters may, if they wish, choose to vote for one party's candidates. The American Independent Party and the California Democratic Party, and the California Republican Party have agreed to let unaffiliated voters vote for their candidates. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party will not permit unaffiliated voters to vote for their county central committees. Please also note that the Republican Party will not let unaffiliated voters select a Presidential Candidate.

ABSENTEE BALLOTAn absentee ballot is a paper ballot, with the same candidates and measures on it as you would receive at your polling place on Election Day. The ballot is mailed to you with instructions on how to mark it and how to return it.

You must request an absentee ballot for each election unless you have permanent absentee voter status. You may request an absentee ballot in writing on the form provided by your County Elections Official.

For additional assistance with voter registration, please contact the Secretary of State's office at any of the following toll-free numbers:

# English: 1-800-345-VOTE
# Spanish: 1-800-232-VOTA
# Chinese: 1-800-339-2857
# Vietnamese: 1-800-339-8163
# Japanese: 1-800-339-2865
# Tagalog: 1-800-339-2957
# Korean: 1-866-575-1558