Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Protecting APA Scientists

80-20 moves to protect APA scientists/engineers from
improper government investigative tactics. At its Board meeting
in San Francisco on Feb. 2, the Board unanimously adopted a
proactive resolution. Please forward this e-mail to your
friends & relatives who are scientists/engineers.

Whereas, remarkable similarities exist in the recent overaggressive,
perhaps wrongful, government investigative tactics against Asian
Pacific American (APA) scientists, namely Dr. Wen Ho Lee and
Dr. Bin Han, and possibly a few others,

Whereas, the common thread of the two celebrated cases are: grossly
exaggerated initial government charges against the scientists,
followed by press leaks, then verbal threats to the accused of the
dire consequences the scientists would face, then groundless
objection to letting the accused out on bail, and finally utter
failure to prove the case in court,

Whereas, we are confident that such abusive government investiga-
tive tactics is not a general practice of our great nation, and

Whereas, 80-20's principal goal is to win equal justice and equal
opportunity for APAs,

Be it, therefore, resolved that upon the application of an Asian
Pacific American scientist/engineer, upon adjudication in court of a
verdict vastly against the original charges, and upon the verifica-
tion by an ad hoc 80-20 investigative committee that the govern-
ment investigative tactics seem grossly improper and/or possibly
racist, 80-20 shall offer to support the wronged scientist/engineer
in asking for compensation in damages, including but not limited to
filing as a "Friend of the Court" (amicus curiae) and/or financial
aid. Furthermore, 80-20 will use its political assets and communica-
tion prowess to press for the censure of the wrongful investigators.

You may recall that in 4/2002, 80-20 adopted a proactive resolution
to protect our political candidates against racist attacks by their
opponents, after two reported racist attacks. That resolution proved
to be 100% successful in the general election of 2002.

It's just another demonstration of the effectiveness of GROUP
political clout that 80-20 provides.

Be an 80-20 member in 2003! Annual membership begins on
1/1 and ends on 12/31. There are 6 types of membership:

1. Basic (1 vote) -- $35
2. Family (Two names to get 2 votes) -- $50
3. Life** -- $1000
4. Family life** (two names to get 2 votes) -- $1,500
5. Honorary Life** -- $5,000
6. Honorary Family Life** (two names to get 2 votes) -- $10,000
** Names on permanent display. See .

Any US citizen or permanent resident can be a member. Using a
credit card, visit
Using a PERSONAL check, payable to "80-20 PAC", mailed to:
Jing-Li Yu
80-20 special Assistant
43-34 Union St., Apt. 6D
Flushing, NY 11355
Write down your E-MAIL address & PHONE no. in the BACK of the
check. Thank you.

UPDATE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS with 80-20 please.